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Posts posted by tonyd19

  1. I grew up in Southern California and I now reside in Las Vegas. My Dad's entire family is from Lackawanna and I grew up watching the few Bills games we could get in the late 80's and early 90's with him. The great teams were what originally drew me in, along with the Bills being my fathers team, but what kept me a fan was the 4 Super Bowl losses. I think we can kind of all relate to being so close to your dream and not quite get there, yet still have that determination to buck the odd's. Now, everytime I watch the Bills, I can't help but think to myself how satisfying it will be to someday see them win a Superbowl and how much that will mean.

  2. Pure hyperbole.


    You Are A LIAR SIR.....Ralph & Jerry are in fact the same person known around the universe as Jelph. Jelph has been coordinating the fall of the Bills with the US Government ever since Operation Desert Shield! He is trying to secure an intergallactic Army centered around the Cowboys Cheerleanders....The Bills are just getting in the way.


    As far as your HYPER- BOWL is concerned, Jelph is not interested in this type of intergalatic game until the Bills can actually win the Super Bowl.


    (Sarcasm obviously intended)

  3. Personally, the most embarrassing thing for me is that nobody roots against us. I have friends who are Dolphins, Patriots, packers, Broncoes, Jets, and a ton of other teams fans. None of them dislike us. It's almost like we're the nonthreatening friend of the whole entire league.


    I totally agree. I live in Las Vegas and it is the same way here.

  4. He has got to be better than what is in Albany right now. This state is a mess why not give him a chance. 4 years from now if you do not think things have changed for the better the you can vote for the same old same old crap that is in office now.


    Paladino killed his chances of winning with his comments about gay marriage, That will never fly with indpendents in New York.

  5. My friend is an insurance agent who claims to be my financial adviser because I have some things invested with him. But, even though he's my friend, I don't fully trust that he's giving me advise and not selling me something that he gets a better commission on (because I know he's done that before).


    But, it seems to me there are no just plain advisors. They all seem to have to sell you something. Would those you mention in number 1 be the people to go to?



    Yes, anyone who works for a broker or insurance company is paid based upon the products they sell. If you want truly objective advice, you should go to a "fee only" registered investment advisory (RIA) firm.


    By being "fee only" the company has structured their firm to not accept commissions or other compensation of any kind from investment products or providers. They only generate fee's direcrtly from their clients, much like an attorney or a CPA.


    Your friend may be a nice guy, but I can assure you he has a conflict of interest with the prodcuts he recommends. I know this because I worked at one of the largest insurance companies in the world for three years as a broker, then for one of the largest investment banks in the world before opening my own fee only practice.


    I can assure you, an independent, fee only RIA is the best business model for clients and true advisors alike. (Just make sure they have a proper custodian!)


    An added bonus, RIA's are required by law to take a fiduciary oath to their clients. This means they are required by law to always put the clients best interests first. If they do not, they can be sued. Wirehouses (IE - Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, etc.) Take a fiduciary responsibility to the company they represent first. The same holds true for insurance companies and their representatives.


    I am knot saying there are not good people at these firms, because there are. All I am saying is that if you want accountability and transperancy to be a requirement, don't invest there.


    How about, if you have $15 million you & your family will never need to worry about money, so why put it into anything that has even 1% risk, since your goal should be to keep it, and you have no need to make it grow. Anyone with that much $ and is "investing" in anything doesn't need to.

    Now all the investors will tell people they have to grow their money, but when is enough, enough?


    That is actually a good point. When you have acquired a great deal of wealth, most families and foundations are much more interested in preservation than growth. At this point it is even more important to invest prudently and have a disciplined apporach.


    Inflation averages around 3% per year. So to maintain your standard of wealth, you need to make at least that every year, just to maintain the value of your current assets.


    But there is no need to be reckless with the money by being overly risky. Keep in mind the cost of capital is the expected return. The more expected return, the greater the risk you take....there are no exceptions to this rule. So to preserve wealth, instead of grow it, you simply build a portfolio that takes on less risk, while attempting to generate a smaller return.


    This will provide income while preserving the original assets over time if done correctly. If you do this correctly, you are being a real investor, not a sepculator, and you will be successful.


    ..and it's working fine! :thumbsup:



  6. Here are some basic tips from an honest wealth manager.


    1) Invest your money with a fee only or fee based firm. Preferably a Registered Investment Advisor, or a large bank like BNY Mellon or JP Morgan Chase that specializes in wealth management (ie- not the Bank of America's or Wells Fargo's of the world.)


    2) Stay away from hedge funds, private equity, penny stocks, etc. Unless you have a minimum of 10 million dollars and you have a lot of knowledge about the firm or companies you are investing with....and you understand the much greater risks you are taking.


    3) Primarily invest with index funds, ETF's or Dimensional Funds as the base of your portfolio.....the lower the internal cost and turnover ratio, the better the performance is typically over time.


    4) Stay away from the large brokerage houses (Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, Etc.)....They are salesman, not advisors.


    5) Stay away from insurance companies (ING, Equitable, The Hartford, Etc)....They are salesman, not advisors.


    6) If you go with an RIA (Registered Investment Advisor) Make sure your money is held in custody at a large well known custodian like Schwab or Fidelity, if this is not the case, run away....fast.


    7) If you go with a large bank, make sure they will sign or disclose that they have a fiduciary responsibility to you as the client, not to the firm....This rule also applies to RIA's.


    8) Make sure all compensation arrangements by your advisor are disclosed to you up front.


    9) 95% of all of your returns will come from proper asset allocation and diversification. Your advisor will never create wealth, markets do.....always. Your advisor should stay away from active management, as this typically will cost you more money than you will make.


    10) If it sounds too good to be true.....it is....always. You should average around an 8% to 9% annual return in a fairly aggressive, well diversfied portfolio. Make sure your expectations are reasonable and attainable.


    11) Have your advisor tilt your equity portfolio to smaller value companies. Make sure your debt portfolio has a shorter duration time (no more than 7 years till maturity.)


    12) Stay away from speculation and forecasting what the market will do. I can tell you right now, nobody knows what will happen tomorrow (especially the "experts" in financial magaiznes and on television). If you follow the above rules you will go from being a speculator (gambler) to an actual real investor where the long term odds are in your favor.

  7. I glad everyone here is so happy that our starting right tackle is injured, but seriously, who is going to replace him?


    Green was like the smartest kid on the short bus. We really have nobody behind him. How does this help our team again???

  8. The only way Chan Gailey is not the head coach of the Buffalo Bills the next two years is if Bill Cowher comes up to Ralph Wilson and begs him for the job (which wouldn't even happen in a parallel universe.) Or Chan gets sick and or dies.


    Other than that he is our guy for the next few years. I think he will do fine, we all need to step back and let the man do his job. The real evaluation will begin next season.

  9. I challenge the board to find one play, one lousy play, since Lee Evans has been a Buffalo Bill where the HC, OC, or QB called a play where he was required to run over the middle and he said no. Seriously, this might be the most annoying thing I ever see on this board. If you dont like Lee or want to trade Lee, then fine...but to claim he "refuses" to run over the middle is so stupid that it has to finally be addressed.


    You do realize this isnt baseball right? You dont get to waive off routes like a pitcher waives off a pitch selection from your catcher. You also realize that Lee doesnt call any plays right? You also realize that the OC, HC, and QB are the only one ever calling those plays right? So in what imaginary universe is Lee Evans "refusing" to run over the middle?


    If you find one single play, just one, then I will concede you are right and will never mention it again. In fact, I will allow you to create my signature which I will keep for the remainder of the 2010 season. Other wise, just shut up about it already...


    The challenge has been offered...I feel pretty confident in my odds here...


    PS: For all you ranters about trading Lee Evans, can you at least get his salary right if you are going to cry about his salary. He is making $7.03 million this year, not $9 million. And if you are going to cry about his salary then I will expect to not see you in other threads calling Ralph cheap or that he isnt willing to pay his players because the two completely contradict the other...


    I challenge you to show us one play, just one play, where Lee Evans has gone over the middle and caught a pass more than 5 yards down field while he has been a member of the Bills?


    I also challenge you to find one play that has not been a go route where he has made a guy miss and broke away for a large gain.


    I feel pretty confident that you will not find one. Not saying lee is not a good WR, it just does not seem that he is too enthusiastic about contact and making plays over the middle.


    The little slant pass last week that Evans caught, was the first time I have seem him do that in about 3 seasons.


    So it really comes down to a debate between whether he can't run routes over the middle, or he won't run routes over the middle.


    Either way, it doesn't happen, so who cares?


    Exactly, it's probably a combination of he's not very good at those routes and hence the coaches do not call his number for them.


    Lee Evans is a good WR.....But he's no Andre Reed. Now that guy would do what it took to make a play.

  10. I don't disagree with you at all, I started this post more of a tongue in cheek thing in that he does run at the mouth at times. You are right in that he is a decent player, especially on this team, but you would expect a little more for the #8 overall pick. Is he the problem with this team? There is no one person that is "the" problem with this team, the whole organization is a mess. I like him, I just kinda played with the "Lil Donte" as I had seen it on this board quite awhile, and he has his haters on this board, just like alot of players do. Me personally, I don't see the reasoning behind the way people on this board hate certain players, like Edwards, Whitner, Poz, Evans, etc. Do I like Fitz as the QB, heck no, but I don't hate him, in fact I have met both Fitz and Whitner at camp and talked briefly with them, and both seem like stand up guys. I didn't mean this post as a slam at Whitner, it was more out of frustration with the team in agreeing with his comment, when I don't agree with alot of the things he says.


    From your post it did not seem like you were bashig him, it just seems that in general he is one of the first players to catch heat when things go bad. I thought he played a really good game last week. As I have said, you can't make players be something they are not. It is not Donte's fault he was drafted 8th overall. Guys are who they are, Donte is a good safety who is a dependable and competitive player. He is not a hall of famer, but I'm glad we drafted him. He has faired far better than most of our draft picks have and if he were traded I believe he would be starting for about 30 other teams.

  11. If Andrew Luck or Ryan Mallett or whomever emerges as a top tier QB are their when we pick next year, I think they will have to go that direction. But, if there is a "Jimmy Clausen" type. IE - A guy who not too many people are high on but a lot of the media have projected as a top pick....I think the Bills will pass and fill a different need.


    But, we need a franchise QB to build around. The offensive line is acutally not to far away and seem to get better every week. We have 3 or 4 good young lineman already who will continue to develop.


    And everyone whop declares should be there becasue we will most likely have a top 3 pick.

  12. I still don't understand all the hate for Donte. He was the only player in the secondary who made plays last week. He was all over the field making tackles. Yes.....as so many point out, they were "down field" but the dude is a safety....he does not play up on the line of scrimmage, neither does Poz for that matter. Their tackles will mostly all be down field. Anyone who has actually played football at any point should know this.


    He does run his mouth a little to much, but it's obvious he cares and wants to win. I hope we keep him and get more players like him in the future.


    All you haters ask yourself this. Just based on Donte's production...If he was an undrafted free agent that played college ball in Western New York, would you still bash him so much?


    The guy is who he is. He is a quality safety who plays the run very well and is adequate in coverage. He was a reach at 8 overall and has not been a superstar, but he is a quality starter and someone who takes pride in what he does and wants to be a leader for this organization. As fans, we should be rallying behind guys like that, not tearing them down.

  13. Buddy and Modrak sure did a good job evaluating with Maybin.



    Now you know why Buddy decided to use 2010 as a big pre-season audition, since he can't evaluate talent on film at his age


    Buddy wasn't behind the Maybin pick, Jauron was. Actually, Maybin is everything that Buddy has said he doesn't look for in talent. One year wonder guy, small and speedy. He likes big physical guys on the line of scrimmage.


    I agree with you on Modrak though....that guy needs to go.

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