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Posts posted by tonyd19

  1. Oh no


    C'mon man.. The Bills won 4 games last year.. 4.. Fitzpatick was 4-10 as a starter. He beat the Lions, Bengals, Browns and Dolphins


    Show me 1 team of quality Fitzpatrick has ever beaten?


    Ya cant.. He hasnt done it yet.. Not to say he wont this year, I hope he tears the Pats a new ass cause I hate them more than cancer itself.. But right now.. Today... He hasnt beaten any team worth a sh*t..


    Thats pretty much it in a nutshell man


    That is correct, and when Fitz and the Bills beat that a** tomorrow, Fitz still won't have beaten a good team as a starter!!

  2. Raider, perhaps you should go back and watch the bills chiefs game. You know, the team we just demolished at home, who beat the raiders last year for the AFC west title. Not only that, but who exactly did the raiders add that will make them better than last year. They lost their best corner and tight end and they couldn't beat people outside of the AFC west last year anyway.......the raiders are going to get powend this week (combo punished and owned that another bills poster introduced me to this week, very fun word.) Baring a miracle or a complete bills meltdown, the raiders are screwed his week.

  3. Honestly I see Buffalo as a team that is going to beat everyone they should beat and struggle with elite teams on the way to an 8-8 or 9-7 campaign. The Raiders will be lucky to win 6 games this year and will most likely be swept by the AFC East. Anything can happen in football, but the Raiders are a team we should easily handle, especially at home. I do not think this game will ne very close. Buffalo 37 Oakland 13.

  4. bonus


    post-14206-034731600 1315800735_thumb.jpg


    Gailey- " OK ill give you dareus for a 4rth round pick...um ok a fifth round... ok fine a sixth, hey wait!"


    Hailey- " I still make more money than you "


    Gailey: Go f*ck yourself Kansas City


    Hailey: Got any ideas for our offense next week.....please?

  5. How we won today....Simple, our big uglies completely dominated the game phycially. Another thing that nobody has been talking about is how much more disciplined this team has been throughout the pre-season than they have been the last few years. Fewer mistakes, (false starts, holdings, etc.) This is something I have noticed all pre-season. An excellent sign given the lock out. This team will be competetive all year, providing health.




    How specific would you like me to get?


    I think I. can speak for everyone when I say you both (wawrow AND yourself) should be very specific.


    You both have been dancing around the arguements you are making. The real allegations from wawrow is that the Evans deal was money based not actually based on some misguided idea that it makes the team better and secondly, that this has been the real mo of the team or years, despite the bs you hear from the front office. If this is the case, than nix is defacto not making the decisions, the money guys are......based on your info, is this true?


    And warrow, you have been dancing around this as well, you claim that j.o is making personell decisions, but have not been forthcoming with the exact role he plays. ngu is correct when saying that he is involved but not pulling the trigger. Would you care to clarify this sir.? Is j.o making the personally decisions or is he not. If you have info regarding pat Williams or details of other dealings of this type, that would infirm j.o actually pulling the trigger, please share.

  7. I always find it funny when fans side with either the players or the owners in situations like this. No matter what, the only people who get screwed by these types of "labor negotiations" are the fans. If the team isn't making enough to pay the absurd salaries, well, they'll just raise ticket prices, or parking fees, or make a soda $10.00 instead of $8.00 etc. etc. If the players take a salary cut, do you think the owners will reduce revenue by cutting ticket prices, parking, concessions, in order to pay back their loyal fans? Nope.


    It's kind of like when the governemnt comes in and says "X company is making too much money, were going to punish them by making them pay more in taxes...that will teach them!"


    Then all that happens is company X raises it's prices, the government gets thier vig and the consumer takes the hit.


    Same principle here. The only people that get bent over in these situations are the fans.

  8. We should resign him and Poz, simply due to the fact that both have been good players and have been developed through the organization. We have lost far too many good players over the years by letting them walk. We do not need Whitner and Poz to be Hall of Famers. We need to keep them here and for them to be productive. Then build other good to potentially great players around them through the draft. That is the only way we will contend. We won't do it trying to sign elite free agents to fill gaps in talent.

  9. In the last two years of the Bills drafts with a total of 18 picks, the Bills have selected 3 defensive tackles, 4 line-backers, and a defensive end. With another three picks on defense going to corners and a safety. For a total of 8 picks dedicated to the front seven and 11 of the 18 focused on defense. Of the offense picks (8), three went to the offensive line. Also, other than Spiller, there has not been ANY offensive player taken before the 4th round in the last two years.


    That means out of the 18 picks, the Bills chose 11 defensive players. 14 out of 18 picks were focued on bulking up the defense or making the interior lines or front seven bigger and nastier. We can disagree with the players picked at each position, but it is hard to argue that Buffalo is not doing everything they can to get bigger, stronger and meaner in the trenches, especially on defense. That being said, it would be nice to have a real threat at the TE position.

  10. Couldn't agree more. Kyle Williams doesn't fit the prototype, and should be the first cut if we're ever going to get better. He's not big enough to play in 3-4 and if I were GM he would be ground into meat to feed the players who are actually worth a damn.


    All Poz does is tackle people AFTER they've crossed the line of scrimmage. He reminds me of London Fletcher. Although Fletcher was basically an alternate on every pro bowl team for the last 10+ years, made SI's All-Decade 2000s team, is a tackling machine who never gets hurt, he sucks and we're better off without him. I would also have Poz ground into meat but Jasper doesn't like Polish sausage.


    +1 Lets also not forget that Williams was a 5th round pick. I mean how good could he be as a fith round pick? That means all other teams in the NFL passed on him. I say he's not as good as Reggie White, so he has no business on this team. :wallbash:

  11. To me she is really not that hot. I guess her body is pretty sick, but her face to me is not that pretty. I could put that all aside for a billion dollars though.If I were Brady I'd retire. He has nothing left to prove in the NFL. He is going to the HOF and won 3 superbowls. Why risk injury?

    I'd move on. He's just going to end up getting beaten up, which come to think of it would be fun to watch.


    I hope Dareus breaks his arm in half....



  12. Interesting. They must have a profit sharing plan. In order to still comply with safe-harbor testing under the Department of Labor and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) they must be making disrectionary contributions to the plan. It makes sense, If the Bills cannot forsee a profit this year, there is no revenue they can count on to share with employees. Hence, the suspension of team contributions.

  13. So if I have this straight you are a financial professional telling this guy to go ahead and play the lottery every week and not just when it gets big? :wallbash:


    Funny observation. Actually, if he is using a couple of bucks occasionally to play the lottery that he will not need for retirement or other needs, than as a professional, I have no problem with it. If he is not saving anything and does not have enough or make enough to take care of himself than that is different....obviously.


    Regardless of that, my post was discussing how money can work for you if you plan correctly. Judging by some of the comments on this board, many people do not seem to realize the amount of annual income that can be generated without touching the underlying assets, if you save and plan properly.

  14. Here's more info:



    One firm alone has already issued 25 loans to players already...rates as high as 30%, and the players "love" the lenders.


    The players don't need more money in the CBA - they just need a paid course in basic home economics! Ridiculous....


    I own a wealth management firm in Henderson Nevada that specializes in working with professional athleates. I have worked with one of the lenders in this article regarding loans for some NFL players, as well as other sports. The players do not care what interest rate they pay, which is sad, because they are not getting the best advice. We usually recommend asset based loans for these players. This way they can access cash and leverage the assets they already have without liquidating other accounts. The rates are typically around prime. Which is much better than most of the rates these guys are getting. Funny, the guy I worked on these deals with, that is mentioned in the article, acutally sent me this article a few days ago.


    Im 31, and sometimes will play the lottery when the jackpot is over $100mil. The reason I dont play anything smaller (like the $12mil jackpot) is that I'm afraid $6mil wouldnt last 50 years even if I was wise with it, and theres no way I'm going to work if I have a couple mil in the bank. LOL. :thumbsup:


    And to answer your question, unfortunately $1mil is not "a lot" of money anymore, imo. Buy a nice house for your family, and about 1/3 is already gone. It doesnt take much.


    6 million should generate around $300,000 to $360,000 in gross income per year with some pretty conservative planning. This would be without touching any of the principal. If you stay disciplined and don't go crazy, this could easily last you 50 years.

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