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Mr. ChumChums

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Posts posted by Mr. ChumChums

  1. Great interview.


    Anyone else disturbed by this?:


    "Ryan invited a bunch of us out to his place in the mountains in Arizona to just hang out. We were all riding the trucks up in the mountains and Freddy [Jackson] ended up popping a tire and we flipped."


    I read it more as they flipped out, not flipped over. But if the 2nd is what happened, then yes, because that would mean we almost lost our entire offense.

  2. Hello fire, meet fuel!


    yes, I do realize that a post on the buffalo.com website does not provide any more credence, but there was an interesting last post that looks like ole' chad boy may have gotten in a bit o' trouble...


    I enjoy watching other people suffer, especially if said person is about to be famous "Paris Hilton style" by being related to someone who did something, or created something important, and then acting all arrogant and self important about it...


    I probably shouldn't have shadenfreude over a high school kid.....


    Ooh, what if jimbo got so pissed off at Chad's tweet that he as new owner, he officially banned him from any Buffalo Bills related event!!


    ok, I feel bad now, but consider this, if the man who revolutionized the computer and personal electronics dies (Jobs), and then one of the original visionaries of the NFL (Wilson) dies soon after, who is the third?!


    Wow talk about clairvoyance - you just had the wrong football visionary pegged. RIP Steve and Al... let's hope there's not a third.

  3. Fitz Flakes :)

    My photoshop skills are not what they used to be but then again I only spent twenty mins on this.... Hopefully you people find this fun... feel free to comment...


    I linked and attached the file since I'm pretty new to posting on here


    GO BILLS! :)


    Doesn't quite have the same ring to it as Flutie Flakes, but it works for me :thumbsup:

  4. It was clear on a lot of replays that DL and LB were not rushing as hard as they could -- OR -- as soon as they realized they were not going to beat their man cleanly they would stop and try to block Brady's passing lanes and get their hands up. It didn't always work, or even half the time, but a few big plays we made were because of it, especially the TD by Florence. Even though the pass hit Dareus in the facemask, he had stopped his rush and put his hands up to block the pass.


    Pretty ingenious strategy, if I've ever heard one - clearly unconventional, but it worked in the end :)

  5. Pretty funny article :) Haven't seen it posted.




    One of the nuggets...


    High draft picks allow a team to load up on talented players. But that's just what your opponents expect you to do. The Bills and Lions haven't fallen prey to convention.


    Another common drafting thread the Bills and Lions have is selecting bad players named Mike Williams. If you're an NFL team worried that you might pick a good player, see whether there's a guy on the draft board named Mike Williams.


    When creating a 3-0 juggernaut, the Bills and Lions knew they had to keep the formation of their teams secret. The Lions have wisely played under domes, protecting their games from the view of spy planes and satellites, whereas the Bills have taken some of their games to Canada. Both teams have made a point to play so poorly that many of their fans cover their heads with paper bags.
  6. man, this is eerie, feeling totally frustrated and having a serious case of oh no, here we go again,

    I retreated to my son's bakyard with my other son to pitch some horeshoes at halftime. The horseshoe game

    was hottly contested, and tied at 15-15, when my older son comes out and states that the Bills just scored a td.

    Now, I knew that I might have missed the kickoff for the second half, and maybe a couple of plays, but being the

    masochist that I am, I definitley wanted to at least see if we could get a spark somewhere. When my older son, comes

    out to walk his dog, and casually mentions that the Bills scored a TD. I stopped the horeshoes imeediatley, and

    told my son we would pick it up later, came in to the house, and what unfolded next was unBillievable, I couldn't

    belive what I was seeing, reminded me very much of the Houston comeback playoff game, the pace, the feeling, just everything,the fans going wild, etc....

    and this was exactly the same way the Houston game unfolded for me too, going outside to blow some steam off, only to be

    sucked back in at the mention of a Bills TD, and then holy moly they just keep coming back. This one ranks pretty close to the Houston game for me. I couldn't watch the last TD, my younger son had to watch for me, he could sense the stress and offered. When he said TD, I picked him up off of the floor almost over my head, and starting prancing around uncontrollably

    with him in my arms, and he is 6'2" and weighs 235 pounds, he felt like a feather. Later we resumed our game of horseshoes,

    I didn't score another point and was handily defeated, I couldn't even see a peg I was so pumped. We might struggle against

    the Pats next week, but this game will do more for a young identity seeking team, then anything I can think of. Good job Bills!


    No this is just getting downright spooky. I posted the above after last week's Oakland miracle.


    No horeshoes at halftime yesterday, there was no chance that I was missing the second half kickoff, especially

    after we got back into the game late in the first half. I was still plenty worried though, and after we sh%$t the bed

    on the first drive to open up the second half,it was definitley nail biting time. I would walk away to another room, maybe still witin earshot of the announcers,and my son was relaying the results as I kneeled in prayer position, alright now,I

    was not praying for Bill's good fortune, I just assumed the position. After a while of alternating from the TV room to another room and trying to figure out where my location would benefit the Bill's the most, I finally just said the hell

    with it, and stayed focused on the game, I would still alternate from one side of my son to other, and after not being able to determine exactly where I should be for positive results, I stopped playing musical chairs and devoted my attention to the game. A funny thing happened, the Patriots all of the sudden didn't look so scary to me, oh I was still plenty worried about the outcome, but I could actually keep my eyes open for an entire play, they may have been peeking between two fingers, but they were wide open. When my son relayed the results of the field goal, no, I couldn't watch that play, got week in the knees again, again I grabbed him and picked him high in the air and began the ritual of prancing around with him. Let me tell you something Bill's fans, my son can be a bit of a pest at times, and sometimnes I like to get a litte break from him, because it seems like we are joined at the hip most of the time, this kid isn't going anywhere, but with me on Sunday afternoons, at least not until, God forbid, we drop one, then he is on his own.

    BTW, we played horeshoes after the game, and I whipped his arse, no problem seein the peg this time. I think that I am getting used to this sh*&t. Go Bills! 19-0 Baby!


    Keep on playing horseshoes every week, and we'll be 19-0 :)

  7. On Showtime Inside the NFL this week, they had a segment where a reporter visited as many team bars in NYC as they could hit in one day. Somehow they didn't see fit to visit McFaddens :wallbash:


    Saw that too. Being in NY, I assumed mcfaddens would get featured as well.

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