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Posts posted by billsfanone

  1. trust me, he didn't say "joker" - that's a journalistic euphemism, like "ticked" for "pissed." i bet you dollars to doughnuts the word he used has four syllables, one of which starts with an "m" and another of which starts with an "f."



    He probably used the n word.

  2. You have to learn to walk before you can run -- quite literally.  JP may well be capable of making plays happen with his feet, just as he may be capable of throwing for 300 yards, 3 TDs and no INTs.  But Fairchild and Jauron are bringing him along slowly -- they clearly want him to become comfortable and confident running the offense before they ask him to be a playmaker.  And so far, the strategy has borne fruit, with no turnovers in two games on the road against tough division opponents.


    I'm certain that we'll see them use JP's mobility more in the future, but for now, it's good to see him becoming a confident leader of the offense.  The other stuff will come with time.



    I couldn't agree more!

  3. Am I the only one that's noticed the fact that, when at all possible (I'm talkin 95% of the time or greater), on any highlight for any player; they show them making a play against the Bills?


    Whether be a back breaking tackles, a guy intercepting a ball, laying a hit, scoring a td, you name it, they stick a Bill being burned highlight in there.


    I'm not saying this is part of the national conspiracy against Buffalo... I'm just sayin.



    If you suck for so many years, you're going to be on a lot of other teams' highlight reels.

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