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Posts posted by billsfanone

  1. Kobe's a dumbass.  His wife is hot, and he stands to lose so much by doing this crap.  Why wasn't his wife with him?


    Questions I have:


    1. Why didn't they read him his rights?

    2. Why didn't he know his rights.  Why was he answering all those questions without having been read his rights.  He should've said, I'm not talking to you until my lawyer's present.


    The girl was clearly starstruck and out for gain, but Kobe's a dumbass for letting it go that far.



    Probably because he's innocent.

  2. Detective Winters: Okay. Um. I’ll be blunt and ask you. Did you have sexual intercourse with her?

    Bryant: No.


    then, after they siad she said it was rape, he changed his story and went through the whole thing.


    cops usually tend to notice when you lie to them.

    also: he said she flirted and gave him some "oral attention". ok, then had sex. she said no wait, stop, he had his hands on her neck and after a while stoped.


    he even talked about paying her off.


    and remember when everyone said he was such a gret family man, and he HAS to be innocent. WTF. he was bangging some chick for a "long time", who could testify about his "sexual habits". so much for the loving father and family man...



    He didn't want his wife to find out. That's understandable.


    When he knew it was HIS ass on the line, he fessed up.

  3. Great post BuffaloBob. I hate this entitlement some fans feel just because they pay money for a ticket.


    What I don't get is how and why ESPN and NFL, etc promote the crap. How many times to they "praise" the idiots in the stands at Raiders games? Does it surprise me that this happened in OAKLAND? F NO!


    Go out, enjoy the game, cheer your team, boo the other team if you want, but come f'ing on.

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