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Posts posted by billsfanone

  1. At least two times, this year and last, Drew has described "seeing yellow" after a big hit.


    I'm no pro athlete, but I've been hit in the head by all manner of people and things and I've never seen yellow.  I've seen stars, I've seen the dark edges close in as consciousness fades, I've seen blood, I've seen those weird kaleidoscope shapes from getting poked in the eye and I've seen a bright light at the end of a long tunnel, but never yellow.


    Anybody else ever experience this?  Is there a neurologist in the house?



    I happened to me several times in college. Well not yellow exactly. I would see everything like it was a picture negative for a few seconds. I guess everyone's vision is affected differently when hit in the head hard,

  2. so....put a chip in the arm....then when the terrorist see that, they chop off the arm and put it somewhere else....


    I'm sure they'll never see such a thing on a persons body.....I like the thought but just don't think its practical...hide it you say....a simple xray would discover it...maybe even one of those wands they use at concerts finds it.....



    So put it in a porkchop. They won't check in there!

  3. that, or install something in him that makes his body act like an A-bomb.


    If his head gets ditached from his body, an Abomb goes off. A small one, but atomic none the less.


    Hell, we sent a man to the moon decades ago, why not this? Oh, and the tracking thing would work too...



    How about something a little easier. Nuke the entire Middle East, except for Israel, and take all the oil.

  4. :)  :doh:  :lol:  :lol:  :D


    You're an idiot!!!!!!!! I couldn't resist!!


    I have to admit that sometimes I just want to reply to a post and make the grammatical corrections. I'm not a teacher or anything relatively close but the proper use of the English language is something I've always been fond of.  :lol:



    Tisk tist tisk. Never end a sentence with a preposition. :lol:

  5. I'm sure some people may think I'm an ass for even posting this, but I guess I'm just interested if anyone else ever wonders the same thing.....


    Does it ever surprise you how bad the spelling/punctuation is among the posters here?  Not that mine is perfect by any means - and I'm not really talking about typos - but I have to say that sometimes I'm really surprised at how bad some people are with their grammar.


    Does anyone else notice this?



    No it doesn't surprise me. When I type a business letter or something at work, I rarely make a mistake. I even do a lot of copywriting.


    When I post on boards, I do so quickly, and make some careless mistakes.

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