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Everything posted by Casmolopitis

  1. Ralph will fire him at end of season! The bills need to get PHYSICAL players with a ATTITUDE. Better coaching will help too. Look at Pitt and NE - they are physically dominant with an excellent fighter attitude. The Bills seem soft, is it coaching? the players? or both.
  2. Somebody needs to say something! Team starts 5-1, then goes 1-5 - what the hell is that. Team needs their a$$ kicked now. Jauron make it happen, if not you are gone.
  3. Unbillieveable! What the hell is going on? Coaching is not doing it. Period.
  4. They will not win the rest of the year! Same team as last year - terrible.
  5. agree! We need playmakers on the front seven! Schobel is the closet thing we have to that. If he is not making a play - he is double-teamed and this gives somebody else playmaking abilities. Fletcher was good - he was always around the ball. Next draft - shore up defense!
  6. What about Crowell next year - is he gone? To me Poz seems to small? I agree with DE and DT as priority and a stud at TE but the center with Duke seems better?
  7. KC could have rolled up major points on the Bills if they didn't turn it over! We need better LBer's, Poz seems okay but we need a monster in MLB (Urlacher in his prime -type LB) and suggestions? Or is the secondary hurting and the Bills defense pass mode?
  8. NFL wants money and toronto and bigger towns have the leverage - LA, Toronto seem logical in a couple years.
  9. NFL can care less about the Bills in Buffalo! Who controls field communication during game? NFL or home team? Spygate material? NFL wants the Bills to suck so fans get fed up and team moves out of the town on a low note? By the way - how is Ralph's health?
  10. What the hell is wrong with them (actually Edwards) - like a deer in headlights. I thought he had an excellent mental game? He failed BIG time. Sounds strange but if the running game wasn't there it would have been ugly! Excellent: running game, special teams, offensive line Average: defense Poor: Edwards, Turk Now what? I think the Bills could really fall apart after last night's game? Any predictions: my guess is another 7-9 season? We needed that game BAD. We either need a Federal Bailout or bucket bailout because the ship is sinking and may run aground in Toronto in near future? O-line looked awesome - Jim Kelly could have sat in the pocket and won the game?
  11. THE BILLS ARE LEARNING HOW TO WIN! Be Patient. In this stage of learning, we (CRITICS, SUPPORTERS. FOLLOWERS, FANS, ETC.) need to lay off this bullsh_t about firing Jauron and the nonsense of we should have pick that draftee and so on, that means nothing right now! The only thing we need is to BEAT Cleveland. Period!
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