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Posts posted by THEDuganWolcott

  1. When we all looked at the Schedule this July, we all said "Jets at home=win", "Dolphins anywhere=win", "Arizona, they've ALWAYS stunk=win", "Kansas City-rebuliding=win", "Cleveland-MNF at home=win", ETC..........


    When we were 5-1, after beating San Diego, we all talked Superbowl. Now after losing two in a row to two of the above-mentioned "wins", we are all starting to doubt if we're even going to the playoffs. Fact is, we may be right...or we may be wrong. As a die-hard Bills fan like many of you, its easy to think "If the Bills don't go to the playoffs this year, I may just DIE"...or something to that effect. Think for a minute, if its this stressful on us, how must it be for Ralph Wilson, or Dick Jauron, or Russ Brandon, and the 53 guys fighting weekend in and out. The eight year drought is just as much on their minds as it is ours. And its not OUR job to get it done, its theirs.


    Take a guy like Jason Peters, he makes the Pro-Bowl one year, then he holds out for more money? What the hell is that? Now he's looking like a complete fool week after week, and to make things worse, he says "I don't think I'm playing that bad"

    HUH? Then, we're putting all this pressure on Trent Edwards to HURRY UP AND BE OUR NEXT JIM KELLY cause they've failed to draft/sign free agent QB's well. If you ask me, as much as they ask Trent to throw the ball, combined with his experience plus an oversize, unagile, overpaid O-line. He's not doing too shabby. I went into this year thinking 8-8, with another 2-4, 3-5 start. We're 5-3! Tied for 1st, with a Brady-less Pats team and a Favre-irresposilble with the ball Jets team. I could see if Brady was playing and we were playing against the Brett Favre from 1996-97, but we're not. Dick Jauron is a very intelligent coach, and this point of the seasonis a defining point in his career. I understand he's a mellow coach, but for once he needs to chew a few guys out, not just players, but assistants as well. He needs to get it together for this team to make the playoffs. And we as fans need to get it together as well, if you told me in July Buffalo would be 5-3, I would've been estatic! And it may sound cliche, but there are NO, I repeat, NO given wins in the NFL...ask Jacksonville about Cincinnati..they'll tell you.

  2. Remember we have two cupcake games (K.C. and S.F.) and then two very winnable games (CLE and DEN) in addition to playing our division opponents again.

    We've beaten Seattle (Losing record, not in Division), Jacksonville (Losing record, not in Division), Oakland (losing record, not in Division), St. Louis (Losing record, not in Division) and San Diego (Losing record, not in Division) WE HAVEN'T BEATEN ONE TEAM WITH EITHER A WINNING RECORD OR IN OUR DIVISION! Lost at Arizona (5-3), at Miami (4-4), vs. NYJ (5-3). Until we beat a division opponent and/or a team with a winning record, the nay-sayers are right!

  3. I started watching the Bills back in '88. For many of the "glory years" I absolutely HATED the Miami Dolphins. Always respected guys like Marino and Shula, but loathed guys like Mark Clayton and Brian Cox. I didnt like their sissy uniforms or their warm-weather surfer dude attitudes, but loved playing against #13.


    Today, I feel the same way about the New England Patriots. While the Dolphin rivalry has gone luke warm over the last 10 years, the Patriot rivalry in my view has exploded. This team doesn't respect ANYBODY. Look at the way they ran the score up on us at home last year. Look at how they ran the score up on everyone last year. Is it really revenge for us that they lost the SuperBowl last year...NO. WE didn't beat them, the New York Giants did. WE haven't beaten them since opening day, 2003. WE haven't beaten them in Foxboro in....well....I don't know how long!


    We hate to admit it, but Tom Brady IS the best quarterback in the NFL. PERIOD. They don't have him this year, they have NO business being 5-3. This is THE YEAR to slap them in the face! We can't just beat them, we need to SMOTHER them. Right now, all the nay-sayers are saying "yep! we told you bills fans your team hasn't BEATEN ANYBODY!" Thus far...they're right! This is the game of the year for this team. I believe if we win this game, we go to the playoffs. We lose, were 0-3 in the division, and we will NOT make the playoffs. You are what youre record shows you are...5-3. It could be this and it could be that....but its 5-3. I still remember watching Brady and Moss light us up 56-10 last year on a Sunday night in Orchard Park.


    The Pats are VERY vulnerable right now...PAYBACK TIME!-Sunday, November 9th, 2008 (1pm Gillette Stadium, Foxboro, MA)

  4. Obviously what we've been doing against the division opponents isn't working. I say we see a few more wrinkles this week against our toughest division foe. The same old thing just isn't working anymore, and if the Bills insist on throwing 90% of the time, how about a little no huddle to catch the Pats off guard a little bit. Heck! The last time they were caught off guard, they were blown out by Miami at home. Just a thought.

  5. Yeah as soon as we got one pressure on Favre yesterday he threw a pick, and that was the only pressure all game we got on him.


    ..B........no pass rush..............no playoffs with no pass rush......KG.....fickin' B................

  6. KGB is STILL out there.............STILL waiting to be signed..........I know Buffalo hardly ever signs big name (or medium named) free agents.....but KGB is STILL out there.....we have NOOOOOOO pass rush........even WITH Schobel......HEEEEEYYY Dick.....HEY Ralph......KGB is STIIIIILLLLL out there................hello.................(whistle)........................not gonna make the playoffs without a pass rush................KGB.........................washed up?........maybe.......but are we doing that good NOW..................................KGB......give him a shot..................

  7. If the Bills are going to win this week, they need to find a way to get to Matt Cassell. If we get to him, don't turn the ball over, and RUN THE FOOTBALL...we will win. New England has struggled against the run this year and they have BenJarvis Green as their starting back...(WHO?) Theme for the week....BLITZ BLITZ BLITZ

  8. I understand as a die-hard Bills fan how over the years we've been looking to rekindle that magic from the SuperBowl years of the early 90's. We thought Bledsoe was going to bring it back. Then Losman was the one that had the arm and mobility to bring it back. Then we started this year 4-0, then 5-1. We all thought the glory years were coming back. Not to say that at 5-3 they still can't be brought back, but lets face it, Buffalo is staring at 0-3 in the division with a trip to Foxboro this Sunday. 5-4 overall.


    We were spoiled back in the days of Kelly, Thomas, Reed and Bruce. Back then we just assumed we were going back to the SuperBowl. My how things change....Today, we just want to make it to the postseason. After 8 long years of post-season withdrawl, I can't help but appreciate the years of 1990-1993. Back then it was just so much more relaxing to watch this team, now, we dont know if we've got the right formula or just another overhyped one.

  9. It's a joke to think that NE is unbeatable in anyway. They got smoked by the fins at home before (26 point loss) & we can play great ball.


    F- all the naysayers & negative nannies, the Bills are going to win.

    Always respect your posts Skoob, but I'm not comfortable guaranteeing anything with this team. They need to find a pass-rush, a way to successfully run the ball, and make Trent audible out of pass plays when the D shows blitz before I regain confidence in this team. The O-line is just not playing well pass-protecting or run blocking either. Even if they do make the playoffs, can you see Trent NOT getting killed by defenses like Tennessee or Pittsburgh?

  10. There are three really simple things thar Buffalo must do to win...not just next week, but every week. They are:


    A. Find a god-for-saken way to rush the quarterback. (We got to Favre once yesterday, and what do ya know,INT for TD!)

    B. Run the football. (I understand we all think that we've found our "Tom Brady", but heel for a second, we also don't have Randy Moss, Wes Welker, a kick as& o-line and a slew of good tight ends. The ball needs to be rand at least 20 times a game.)


    C. AudibleSlant pattern- When opposing defenses have shown blitz this year (case-in-point Derrell Revis and Adrian Wilson), Trent needs to audible to a run instead of the whole "I'm gonna get off-ed but still make a good throw" mentality. And there also needs to be a hot route to the receiver whos being covered by the blitzing DB.


    And there you have it, 3 ways Buffalo can finish the season 13-3...sounds so simple, doesnt it?

  11. This is a football team that just lost to the Miami Dolphins by 9 and the New York Jets by 9. This is the same team thats asking Trent Edwards in only his second full season to throw the ball 35-40 times a game. If this team is gonna make a run at the playoffs, they need to commit to the running game a little more than 10-15 times a game. The bills got a BIG problem right now, and that is this fat, non-agile offensive line isn't quick athletic or durable enough to pass block 35-40 times per game. When Derrell Revis cam off that corner and nailed Trent, didn't that play look awful familiar? (Arizona game) Trent should've audibled to a run up the middle. His two turnovers alone cost up the game...both pass plays...both because the o-line can't pass block. And Trent is just as guilty as they are. He's holding the ball WAY too long and trusting a unit that shouldn't be trusted led by Mr. Pro-Bowl-Big Time himself Jason Peters, Bottom line, they better come back this week in New England and find a way to run the football or we'll be 5-4 and 0-3 in the division, if that happens, we WILL NOT win the division.

  12. '“The best thing you can do is get in a receiver’s face and knock down a ball or just get in their face and disrupt the route,” McGee said. ”That’s the only way you’re going to stop it. If you’re playing off you’re basically just saying throw it and I’m going to tackle you.”'




    So when the Bills played the Dolphins last weekend, they played "off" of the receivers usually and played right into the hands of noodle armed Chad. Shows that our coaches don't have the stones to adjust their tactics to take away what the other team wants to do. That's just bad coaching IMO. Chicken shyt defense.

    Agrees 100 % I'm not a zone-defense fan at all, especially with talent like Kawika Mitchell and Donte Whitmer just sittin back playing tackle. The Miami game was eerily similar to the Arizona game. Good call.

  13. Here are some of my predictions for week 8:


    Buffalo 26 Houston 30 Philadelphia 28

    Jets 19 Minnesota 27 Seattle 6


    Jacksonville 22 Arizona 38 Pittsburgh 23

    Cincinnati 3 St. Louis 17 Washington 14


    Indianapolis 31 Tennessee 13

    New England 24 Green Bay 10


    Chicago 17 Denver 41

    Detroit 14 Miami 24


    Cleveland 26 N.Y. Giants 24

    Baltimore 23 Dallas 0


    Tampa Bay 20 Atlanta 34

    Kansas City 9 Oakland 10



    Hope thats not too much for ya'll to stomach or anything.............

  14. You know what pal? You seem overly motivated about your status as a message board member. Why don't you take a step back and stop posting for a while, read what other people have to say, then come back to this thread and realzie what a mistake it has been. The only thing you've established thus far is that JP Losman is not Tom Brady or "Frank Reich".

    So you're okay having a backup who's one play away from coming in and leading us to a NINTH consecutive year of missing the playoffs because of his piss-poor play, and worse, piss-poor attitude. And dont give me the Arizona game excuse, PLEASE! J.P. Losman has played more than just that one game. He lost his job because he was just plain NOT GOOD ENOUGH! He's too jittery, makes bad decisions, and turns the ball over. Losman had his chance and he blew it, he's lucky he's even employed at this juncture. All I'm saying, there's been guys over the years when they weren't the right fit somewhere, and went on to be successful elsewhere (See Kerry Collins; Trent Dilfer)...PAL!

  15. He didn't say he's NOT preparing, he's saying that it's difficult to get motivated to do so.


    I completely understand. Wouldn't it be hard for you to motivate yourself to do a job, knowing that there's a 95% chance that you won't actually have to do anything?

    Did Steve Young prepare (Montana)...how about Tom Brady (Bledsoe)........Tony Romo (Bledsoe).............Frank Reich (Kelly; 1993 Playoff game).....Kurt Warner (Trent Green)


    Results for those guys:

    Steve Young-went on to win SB XXIX


    Tom Brady-won a SuperBowl that same year Bledsoe went down, then went on to win two more. He was originally 4th on depth chart. (Talk about a more than 95% chance of NOT playing). Probably best QB ever!


    Tony Romo-Lead one of the NFL's most explosive passing attacks when Bledsoe got benched, and still does when healthy.


    Frank Reich- Kelly got hurt at Houston on the final week of the regular season that year, all Reich did was lead them in "The Comeback" against the Oilers, then destroyed the Steelers in the divisional round, en-route to third SB appearance.


    Kurt Warner- Former arena league QB, leads the 'greatest show on turf to SB XXXIV victory.



    Bottom line...Losman's attitude sucks and if he's auditioning for other teams with that attitude, combined with his play over the last few years, almost NOBODY will want him.

  16. As if we didn't need another reason for the Bills to run the ball more on Sunday, Buffalobills.com is reporting that Justin Jenkins and Steve Johnson are going to get playing time this week. Either our backs have a great day or Evans needs to catch like 3 TD's or we're doomed!


    BTW, has anyone heard when Schobel is coming back?

  17. I have a real problem with the Bills keeping J.P. Losman around after he clearly stated that "Its tough to prepare and get motivated to play" when he knows he's #2 on the depth chart. Do we really want a guy that has that mindset??? Yeah, he can be efficient, but he's not going to win us games on the last drive or control a game like Trent. This is the first time in years when I watch a game I'm not nervous and waiting for something bad to happen when the offense trots onto the field.


    "Tough to get motivated"??? He knows he's not gonna play in Buffalo next year, but the guy should show that he is willing to prepare adequetly even though he is the #2, because he's a "PROFESSIONAL" athelete. With that attitude, he may be playing arena football next year. I say we should've traded him to K.C. or Detroit who need a QB for some draft picks and promoted Hamdan to the backup spot and resigned Craig Nall or someone else. If Trent goes down this year for even a few weeks, we are in trouble. Even against teams like K.C. and San Francisco, I'm not comfortable with Losman as the QB.

  18. I've just recenlty joined the forum here, but I've been a long time reader. I'm 29 years old and been a Bills fan since I was 8. Through the years, I've seen a lot. The Ronnie Harmon drop in Cleveland in '89, "Wide-right", 1993 Wildcard comeback, the Todd Collins-Dan Henning bore-fest of 97, Rob Johnson hype, Drew Bledsoe's ineptness, and the Music City miracle. And though it all, the media NEVER gave the Bills credit for ANYTHING. Why? Because we're a small market. I read that so many people aren't giving the Bills "enough credit" for being 5-2. Why? Because we haven't been to a playoff game in eight years...and we're a small market. Could the NFL live without the Bills in Buffalo...yes. Could I?..HELL NO. Lets face it, we need to appreciate where we are right now at 5-2. Considering how we've started the last several years, this is a blessing. I don't follow any other sports except the NFL and the Bills. Why...because we don't have anything else. The media will always be all over the Dallas' of the sports world. I say, let them have 'em. I don't know about you, but I don't need the media's attention on my team. I don't expect them to be, look at the SuperBowl years, was it ever about Buffalo, no it was Giants, Skins, Dallas, Dallas. And if there is any justice from the football gods, before we lose the Bills, we'll enjoy our squad hoisting the Lombardi trophy within the next couple of years, and then tell Mort, ESPN, NFL Network and the rest to STICK IT!

  19. Its not Marshawn. He isnt going to make the perfect read every play just as the O-line isnt going to make perfect blocks every time. But you can't fault Marshawn for trying to make something out of nothing by dancing. I would say that There was one good hole for him to run through yesterday and he took it for 19. If we could get 50% of that hole more often we would see Jackson and Marshawn getting over 100.


    Personally I dont care if it takes 2 3 or 4 backs to get us over 100 yards as long as we can run the ball. Just as long as they give it to Marshawn gets the goal line carries

    Its a toss up...Peters SUCKS! Jauron is suddenly transforming into Andy Reid and passing 80% of the time. Peters SUCKS! The o-line just cannot get into the zone-blocking scheme. Peters SUCKS!

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