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Posts posted by THEDuganWolcott

  1. I would seriously consider drafting 2 Centers and 2 Defensive Ends with their first four picks. Screw this best player on the board crap. Yea yea, I know...thank God I'm not GM BUT these two positions are KILLING this team. WR, LB and other positions can always be filled in Free Agency and later in draft

    Jason Peters ISN'T killing us? Powder-puff coverage ISN'T killing us. I'm with you on the DE part, but that's about it!

  2. a great man by the name of ric flair coined the phrase "to be the man, whooo, you got to beat the man"


    i think that applies to most people's thinking when it comes to the pats*

    "The Man" (Brady) isn't playing Sunday. If we blitz Cassell and shut down the Running Back with 1000 names, we should win easily. (As long as Jason Peters doesn't screw us again)

  3. We all know the Bills would never sign a guy like Hall. He would never mesh in our locker room.

    What locker room? Oh, the locker room where they're all hanging their heads after two losses. The locker room he could bring some attitude in???

  4. Why are we sitting here talking about the Pats* like there 8-0 on their way to 16-0? No Brady, No Running Back worth a damn, no Rodney Harrison, a depleted secondary so banged up that hey had to re-sign Jason Webster, and an old as hell LB corps. I'm reading all the Patriots sites, and they don't seem to be one bit concerned! Imagine if we lost Trent, Marshawn, Fred, Whitner all at once! Ya'll would probably be e-mailing Ralph asking him to forfeit the rest of the season.


    The Patriots are the Patriots for a reason, like it or not! (And I don't). Even though we hate his guts, Belichick NEVER makes excuses, NEVER! He could probably put the cheerleaders on the field and win with them. Injuries are part of the NFL, it happens! Its how a team overcomes them that tells you what kind of a team that you have. Is New England the same without Brady, Maroney, Harrison...obviously not. Did you, like me, start yelling "horray" when Brady went down? (I admit it, if it makes me less of a man, so be it!)


    Bottom line, we are so damn caught up in this eight-year drought stuff, that its all gloom and doom on this board! Are we more comfortable being the favorite or the dogs? I don't even think we know. All I know is, I believe we CAN not just beat them Sunday, but THUMP their CANDY ASSES! No excuses needed!

  5. That was no "lackluster effort" by Hardy on the endzone play. It was well underthrown and he fought around the DB and tried to take it away but couldn't. Trent admitted himself that it was a bad throw.

    So Moss would've let a 5'9" corner beat him on a jump ball? (Moss, by the way, is 1 inch shorter than Hardy, FYI) And it wasn't that much underthrown if you watch the replay.

  6. That reminds me, I need to go erase this game from the DVR.


    Then again, I'm not sure I really need to make room for next Sunday's game. :thumbsup:

    You'll wanna record this weeks game...TRUST ME! You'll get to watch us beat the cheats in cheatboro for the first time since 2000.

  7. I might watch it. Didn't get to see the whole game. Still trying to figure out how 25 for 36 and 289 yards and a TD and still only score 10 points and lose by 9 ...

    ...oh! And don't forget about the point in the game where the offense was on the field for nearly one full quarter straight and didn't score A DAMN THING!

  8. WTF do I care about NFL teams that are disappointments this year? All I know is that the Bills have sucked for the better part of 10 years now and a promising start to the season is about to be flushed down the toilet.


    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    You don't have to care BOZO! But people probably gotta care about your garbage that you write on here, huh?

  9. As we continue to wade in misery as Bills fans (even though we're 5-3), and assume losing to a team that depends on video tapes and cheap-shot safeties, lets take a look at some teams that are way worse off this season than our beloved Bills, and see if we are REALLY in that bad of shape...



    Detroit Lions- The Lions are 0-8, probably the most unsuccessful team in the league the last 5 years, and going to start a quarterback that they just signed THIS WEEK to start. Talk about desperation on both sides. The Lions for signing a washed-up guy to save them from the unbearable humiliation of an 0-16 season, and Culpepper, for signing with a team that has NO SHOT at the playoffs. Someone TRY to convince me Daunte isn't in this for the money!


    Cincinnati Bengals- Wasn't this "supposed" to be THE YEAR for Carson Palmer and company? Chad Johnson was even so confident in Cincy this past Summer (in between bi-polar episodes of wanting to be traded, of course!), that he legally changed his name to his playful "Ocho-Cinco" alter ego. Turns out, the Bengals own alter ego of the "Bungles" has re-emerged as well and Johnson has put off putting his own "new" last name on his jersey 'til next season.


    San Diego Chargers- Is there a bigger disappointment in the league that the "Super-Chargers"? This team was supposed to have the league's premiere RB, and up-and-coming QB, and a stellar D to go along. SuperBowl XLIII was supposed to be there for the taking for L.T. and company, but another Norv Turner coached season seems to be bamboozling the Chargers.


    Indianapolis Colts- Veteran team, better defense, Tony Dungy's supposed-grand farewell-with another title has gone "south", right to the Tennessee Titans. Hope Peyton enjoyed his one Super-Bowl! Cuz it's looking more and more that even with all those passing records he set, his lone title will have came in SB XLI.


    Jacksonville Jaguars-Wasn't this THE YEAR Jack Del Rio's squad was supposed to challenge Indy for the South title? And they're kicking themselves even harder now with the Colts at 4-4.


    Again...at 5-3, we should be a pleasant surprise!

  10. .....James Hardy. I thought when Buffalo drafted him he could be OUR Randy Moss. But since catching the game winning TD in Jacksonville, he's faded even though he's getting more playing time due to the achilles injury to Josh Reed. And last week, he made a lackluster effort to snag the ball in the endzone that was picked off. With New England's focus primarily on Lee Evans this Sunday, I'm looking for Hardy to finally break-out and show that he can use his height as a weapon. Final stat line:


    9 receptions, 143 yds., 2 TDs

  11. I know we're all a little down in the dumps right now and we're ready to kill every member of our coaching staff and start planning to watch our team in a few year in Toronto. But lets take a step back for a minute and look at what we've had in the past. In '07, we still thought our future was built around J.P. Losman, in '06, our expectations of him were maybe a little higher, in '02-05, we had a veteran guy who was once the #1 pick in the NFL draft, was SUPPOSED to take us to the playoffs AT LEAST one of those years, coached by one guy who was a defensive "genius" in Tennessee, Gregg Williams and coached by another who was "the most revolutionary" offensive coordinator in the NFL, Mike Mularkey. Back in '01, we let lovable Doug Flutie go because we thought Rob Johnson was "the future".


    We've seen a lot of transition over the last eight playoff-less seasons, some filled with a lot of promise, some not. Think about some of the similar comparisons between Trent Edwards and Jim Kelly. (Rocket arm, good decision making, calm and cool in the pocket.) Now think of the comparisons between Trent Edwards and, say... who we thought was our future...Rob Johnson. (Rocket arm, good decision making, calm and cool in the pocket). This Sunday, like it or not, we find out which we have, the next Jim Kelly, the guy who will get us to the next level. Or we have our next Rob Johnson...


    I know you're all gonna rip me for writing this, and its only MY opinion, but MY Judgement Day for Edwards is this Sunday, in Foxboro, MA.

  12. With Buffalo staring 5-4 in the face, I would love to see a lot of different looks on both sides of the ball for the Bills on Sunday. All-out blitzes, reverses, flea flickers. We need to throw everything but the kitchen sink at the Pats this weekend, kind of like the Dolphins did to them. It just seems the Bills are playing a little too careful the last few weeks, too close to the vest. This team wasn't even supposed to be where they're at NOW. With Schobel and Whitner out, they'll need to be extremely creative to get pressure on Cassell. He may not have experience, but if he sits in the pocket and doesn't get touched, we dont stand a chance. I'm still sticking to my guaranDAMNtee of Buffalo 27, NE 17, though.

  13. Just want to make sure I have this right Doogie. If we win Trent is the real deal. If we lose he is not.

    That's what I said! This kid needs to perform well against good football teams, not just the bottom dwellers. I think friggin' Billy Joe Hobert could've beaten some of the teams we beat this year (and he didnt even study the playbook). I'm not stating that everyone has to think like I am, but I've been through enough as a Bills' fan. To ME, if he plays well and we win Sunday, he is our next GREAT quarterback, if we lose...he's, well...Rob Johnson/Todd Collins.

  14. This weekend will be a true test of this teams resilliance this Sunday in Foxboro. This is a game that will show us just exactly if this squad is the future of the Bills or just another group of guys that couldn't get it done. Do I billieve Trent Edwards is the real deal, yes...is he if we don't win on Sunday...NO!


    I'm tired of losing to the Patriots, year after damn year. Our team is good, and they need to go into the Pats game Sunday with the belief that they are NOT inferior to them. We were 5-1! Doesn't matter how, or who we beat, or how we won...we WE'RE 5-1. Buffalo needs to play with a chip on its shoulder this weekend. This game will define the rest of the season. Doesn't matter if we beat Cleveland, San Francisco, Kansas City or any other bottom dwelling team. We haven't beaten anyone with a winning record YET!


    I've never guaranteed ANYTHING ever as a Bills fan...but I am Guaran-DAMN-teeing a victory for us. A good team rises above all the injuries, trap-games, etc. Just look at the very team we're playing against this Sunday. They lost their franchise Quarterback for the year, pretty much any RB's with experience, and their all-pro (cheap-shot artist) safety. Their 5-3. So what if we're 0-2 in the division, we still have the opportunity to finish 4-2. This team needs to stop making excuses, and start playing with some attitude, DAMN IT! BUFFALO-27; NEW ENGLAND 17

  15. The winning formula for Sunday is very simple. No turnovers, limit drive killing penalties (this means YOU Jason Peters), come up with at least one turnover, and make the Patriots throw (I know, this would sound crazy if Brady was playing, but guess what...HE'S NOT!) The Cheats* are starting BenJarvus Green-Ellis at RB (I think I got all his names in there this time), if he runs for 100 yds Buffalo NEEDS to FIRE Perry Fewell next week. And I don't care how good NE's offensive line is, stack it, make Cassell beat us through the air. SIMPLE!

  16. This guy has been under such scrutiny after sending a spoiled-brat-millionaire to the locker room and dropping his pants in a team meeting. Truth is, I miss seeing coaches like this with a fire and passion for the game. The NFL is becoming more and more like the NBA every year. Higher paid players, endorsements. But I'm an old school guy. I loved the Ditkas, the Cowhers, the Chuck Knolls, the Parcells, even the silly antics of a Jim Mora. These guys showed they we're in this business for more than money. Fact is, if Mike Singletary didn't give a crap, he would've just mailed in the season, not cared how Vernon Davis acted, and let J.T O'Worst quarterback EVER!!!! (and I mean EVER) keep starting. He's emotional, I loved it when he played and he's gonna make an excellent coach in today's NFL thats built on the millionaire, loud-mouth, trouble making players of today. What's good for the NFL?: Singletary, Jauron, Favre, Mannings. Bad things in the NFL? Pacman, T.O., Superstar's publicized love-lives, Larry Johnson, Ricky Williams' 15th chance!!! The NFL needs more guys like Mike Singletary. PERIOD!

  17. You must be new to this board. People around here like to scapegoat just 1 individual for all of the team's problems. At 4-0, they didn't see any negatives and already claimed a SB berth! :unsure:


    Even in pre-season it was very evident it was HORRIBLY difficult to run the ball. Hell, even the coach last year blasted Marshawn for not hitting the "holes" hard enough. :thumbsup: I wonder what he thinks of him and Fred now. LOL

    I'm not discounting the fact that we should be worried, but what I'm trying to say is that these guys are paid millions of dollars a year to be successful. Look at all the people we brought in that were "supposed" to take us to the playoffs over the years. Bledsoe, Spikes, Mike Williams, Nate Clements, the offensive genius that was Mike Mularkey, we gave up a draft pick to Dallas for J.P. LOSSman, London Fletcher (who by the way, I consider one of the greatest, most underrated MLB in NFL history) and it STILL hasn't happened. I'm tired of missing the playoffs, someone needs to get in here and make this team CONSISTANTLY successful or they may as well move the team to Toronto or Los Angeles. We've suffered enough.

  18. They all hurt the same, because with one more win, we are in the playoffs as of now. No game is good to lose and if we win that game we are not in a tie breaker, we are winning our division and that means playoffs. Spin your bullschitt any way you want, your "losing is a good thing" theory is retarded and so are you.


  19. what if?....what if?.......what if?..............


    Holy crap, WHAT IF Tom Brady didn't go down for the year in week 1? Would we be in contention for the division? Would we stand a chance this Sunday? NOPE. Its a good thing they don't award anyone with a playoff spot or a lombardi trophy after 8 games. Ya'll need to think about how we've started the last 8 seasons, we're 5-3. THAT'S a TRAGEDY? Ask the "everybodys pick to win the SuperBowl" San Diego Chargers or the "we've owned the AFC south ever since it was created" Indianapolis Colts or, last but not least, the "Our season is screwed, but we will not publicly say it" New England Patriots. 5-3 a tragedy? Yeah, I'd rather be 7-1, 8-0...but I'll take 5-3. Heck, we've even got a better record that the "already annoited NFC Champion" Dallas Cowboys.

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