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Posts posted by SKOOBY

  1. what a bunch of critical armchair judges.


    Guy was a fearless leader on the football field, who had off the field flaws, like every single FU#Kin one of you.


    Catholic teaching: we are all sinners and need to repent. Well maybe I am not a sinner and live a clean life, why should anyone judge me if I do nothing wrong?


    A guy like this gets a boat load of money playing big ball and gets his dumb *** killed by a little slut does not deserve any credit / sympathy from me. Great job on the field hero, poor job at the house. His kids will now need to explain why my dad's not here and how his tramp got to keep him forever, which one would think is the selfish mindset of why she did it.

  2. One reason you might choose a celebrity instead of a non-celebrity is because you would be less prone to being victimized by a gold digger who's after your money and lifestyle. Jessica Simpson (and I'm not a fan) has tons of money. There is no downside economically in dating a celebrity. A non-celebrity on the other hand...who knows?


    Non-celebs might kill you as well, grippers.

  3. The problem isn't the people who have doubts about the Bills' success this year. Heck, I try to be an optimist but if I had a gun to my head I'd probably predict a 7-9 record this year too.


    The PROBLEM is the folks who are myopically writing off the team this year before training camp even starts. Worse are the people who use crappy logic and won't listen to reason. I'm so sick of hearing "We brought in a guy to play center who's never even been a starter". First, he's started half of the games in which he's played. Second, even if that wasn't the case, how is that ANY logical indication that he sucks?


    In other words, I don't hate pessimists, I just hate the logical fallacies they seem to spew on a daily basis.


    We have sucked for 9 years, so I can see the logic behind the self-defense mechanisms put up here. The real issue is just like you said, we can't be under the bus yet without a real down being played. You can also see the management has made a real effort to solidify the lines and upgrade our offense as well. Our draft guys may have pulled out a few late round gems but that is yet to be seen as well but without seeing it, there is no real reason to look upon anything as negative yet.


    Faith has a way of escaping most Bills fans, even the hardiest of souls cry here and there.

  4. Hey, Woman. Hey, Woman! Listen here. Since your old man ain't got no heart, maybe you like to see a real man. I bet you stay up late every night dreamin' you had a real man, don't ya? I'll tell you what. Bring your pretty little self over to my apartment tonight, and I'll show you a real man.


    Boy, you just never get to quote Clubber Lang enough during the business week. :lol:

  5. 1. Get rid of any players that will seek competitive salaries, regardless of how talented they may be. (This step can be applied to building a cost-ineffective platoon at any position)

    2. Hire a backup from another team to come in and lead the unit.

    3. Promote several of your own "promising" backups to starting positions, and/or allow people who should have been backups anyway to retain their starting position.

    4. Move the only true starter in the unit from a position at which he was merely average and adequate to a more demanding and for more critical position which requires substantially greater athletes.

    5. Fill any remaining holes in your line with rookies.


    Don't forget to execute the following contingencies to protect other positions:

    1. Get rid of your backup QB who *should* have been the best backup QB in the NFL but never was.

    2. Hire a guy who never has been and never will be any good at QB in any role, backup or otherwise.

    3. Advise all backs to seek additional coverage on their insurance policies (this serves little functionality and would merely be a damn decent thing to do for those fellas).

    4. Never forget plan B - in the unlikely effect that the above formula fails, blame it on the coaches. Actually, just blame it on anything that doesn't illustrate the obvious principle that you have to have talent to win, and you have to pay for talent. The coaches are usually just the easiest scapegoats.


    Now I see why so many people think we are "solid" on the O-line. I wonder why this epiphany never struck me before.... Oh well. Go Bills!


    So there is a chance that our O-line might be good, like 1 in a 1,000 right?

  6. Tony Romo broke up with Jessica Simpson on Thursday, the night before her 29th birthday, a source close to the pop star tells PEOPLE.


    "She is heartbroken," says the source. "She loves Tony. But it's been difficult lately. He's busy with his career and she's getting ready to shoot her show ("The Price of Beauty"). They decided to part ways."


    The Dallas Cowboys quarterback fueled breakup rumors when he showed up with about 14 friends at the Hollywood hotspot MyHouse on Friday night without the birthday girl, a source tells PEOPLE.



  7. I'm an atheist, so I'm not sure about the timeline of these events... I'm pretty sure this Jesus fella died around, oh, 1500 years before the Spanish Inquisition and 2000 years before 9/11. To try to blame a man who preached to love his fellow man for murders made in his name is ridiculous and moronic.


    Here's a hypothetical for you. Let's say that I stated that I love and worship cows, and some people start to follow my lead and also begin to love and worship cows, but they then started to kill or otherwise injure those who don't share their belief. You are implying that I am somehow a murderer for my love of cows?


    Were the cows food or tradeable??

  8. Move him where? There is no serious talk of moving Maybin just a stupid Fox article suggesting such. If Maybin gets 4 sacks in preseason I would take it as a good sign but I wouldn't put much stock into it because it might have come over weaker competition.


    He makes sense at LB as well & we may not be done in FA, just something that got passed by me that I never bothered to put up here.

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