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Indy Dave

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Posts posted by Indy Dave

  1. Aside from having a team going nowhere fast, thus leading to the "What the hell" attitude Herm took in making that call, they couldn't execute a simple extra point earlier in the game, which led to having to make that decision in the first place.


    I say kudos to Herm for making that decision.

  2. That is my best guesstimate for when people will stop blaming Trent's horrific play on his concussion. "He looks tentative....he holds the ball too long.....he arm is even weaker than usual".....Newsflash: He Sucks.


    And no this post is not intended to say JP is better. That is meaningless. Trent is horrible.


    Name 5 starters in the NFL that are worse than Trent Edwards. I come up with O'Sullivan, Whoever is playing for the Lions, and Thigpen. Got 2 more?


    Current starters: JaMarcus Russell. Gus Frerotte. That Fitzpatrick guy from Cincinnati. Sage Rosenfels. Marc Bulger. Seneca Wallace. Brady Quinn. Shaun Hill.

  3. I know plenty of DL that are white that are good.........let me name them......



    Jared Allen. Kyle Vanden Bosch.


    The list is not long.




























    hold on.......





















    be there in a minute.



    Jared Allen. Kyle Vanden Bosch.


    The list is not long.

  4. Saints game != Bills game.


    They should have at least TRIED the FG.


    Agree with that. A 45-yard field goal in a dome...even with their kicking issues, you have to try that FG.


    The point is, going for it doesn't make a lot of sense. I understand the argument that the team needs a spark, so therefore DJ should have gone for it. But as bad as we've played, we are only down one score. I can't argue against punting in that spot. There's far more to criticize in that first half than that decision.

  5. Oh, please, Jauron is calling a terrible game....


    I didn't say he wasn't, did I?


    By the way, the Saints, who are playing on the road against a divisional opponent and trailing by more points than we are, just went for it on fourth and three from inside the Atlanta 30. And guess what...they didn't get it. And I'd say the Saints have a slightly better offense than we do.

  6. I won'r argue that ML isn't struggling, but this is, for the most part, an OL problem. And for those of you hyping up Jackson (who I love as a BACKUP RB), I point to two plays last week that changed the game.


    One: the dropped screen pass. Jackson catches that and probably scores a TD. Instead, we throw a pick and the Jets get a TD.


    Two: Fourth and inches from inside the 10. Jackson runs right into the line. With any vision on that play, he takes it outside, easily gets the first down and probably scores.


    Make those two plays and we have 21 points early in the second quarter. That changes things, obviously.


    At the end of the day, I'm glad we have these two RBs. They aren't perfect, but they're both pretty good.

  7. Trent's has an issue with trying to aim the ball ever since that pick.

    Let it fly kid.


    EXACTLY. His release does not look the same. It's refreshing to read some posts where people are talking about the game, rather predicting gloom and doom for today and the rest of the season.


    How did we do on our first series of the second half last week. Touchdown. Yeah, and how did that turn out for us?

  8. Our RB's will tell you that the line is horribly bad. You need an average line to score 6 in the red zone. TE only threw that pick because he was gonna get sacked!


    You won't get me to argue that the line has to play much better. But if Jackson held on to the screen pass just before the interception, he goes into the end zone for a TD. And he if bounces outside on fourth and inches, he walks into the end zone.

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