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Posts posted by hotwing

  1. Nice story, but it isn't accurate. The Bills drafted Edwards, THEN Walsh called and said "you've got a good one" . Your version is revisionist history, I'm afraid.



    Im afraid you dont know what you are talking about. Edwards met Walsh at Stanford. Now try and follow this, when Edwards was at Stanford, he wasnt drafted by the Bills yet. Therefore, hopefully you are still with me, you are absolutely wrong.


    Try not calling people "revisionists" when you dont even know what they hell you are talking about.

  2. He isn't going to be traded it makes no sense. That would leave only 3 DT's on the team. Considering Mccargo has been active since week 2 only shows that it makes even less sense to trade him.


    Any other wisdom you care to give to the community?


    BTW Pls give me your picks for every game next week, I live in Veags, I could make a killing off of you.

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