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Posts posted by timba

  1. A note from Peter King (SI.com) in his MMQB article:


    I was told last night the Patriots loved Eric Wood, the Louisville center who projected to center or guard in the NFL, but if that's the case, they could have had him at 26 instead of trading out of the round for yet more picks. So I remain mystified about the continued trading rather than picking.


    Many of you know that I had Wood as my #1 center. Should I be happy that Belichick and Company wanted him too? Or am I too hung up on the "what would New England do?" stuff?


    If they did want him, WAY TO STICK IT TO EM! If they didn't, we still got a good player. Win Win!

  2. I believe that you think this will happen, and your logic is okay...up to a point. The problem--as I see it--is that if Detroit selects Curry, how do they justify paying $30M in guaranteed money to a middle LB when MLB isn't in the top 6 or 7 positions in the league in terms of salary? Imagine if Curry did go #1 and plays the middle for Detroit, he'll get a deal that (assuming it's the 5-year $57.5M deal that PFT reports it would be) eclipses the average yearly compensation of Ray Lewis by $3.5M per year. That's absolutely crazy.


    The top-tier NFL salaries go to QB, OT, and DE. Because of the whopping amount of guaranteed money going to the top 2 or 3 picks, it's really difficult to take anything other than one of those 3 positions. I remember in 2006 maintaining that there was no way Reggie Bush could go #1, because of this specific issue.


    I respect your opinion, but in light of the salary issue, I have to believe it's either Stafford or Jason Smith.


    To be fair, early first round picks are usually towards the highest or THE highest paid at their respective position. There needs to be a cap on rookie signings... way too much money to invest in a player who hasn't played a single professional down.

  3. I have been reading this board for about three years now. I have been a die hard Bills fan for 17 years. I appreciate the amount of necessary pessimism you must have to be a Bills fan, although sometimes you get carried away. I also like the dry sense of humor most of you have. Had to throw all that out there. Now to my post. I am not sure why you guys don't believe KIRK CHAMBERS is the reason why we could afford to let Jason Peters go. A lot of you think he gives us good depth at gaurd. However he is cleary starting tackle material. Consistently the highest rushing totals and offensive production came when he was in the starting line-up. There is a reason we signed him to a long term contract after the season. Then we went and traded are overrated LT. I believe it was the Bills plan all along to insert Chambers into the starting Line-Up at one of the tackle positions in 09. He is 6-7 315 and only 29 years old. So in essense we traded an overated undrafted free agent for a 1st, 4th and 6th round pick, with his replacement already on the team. So even the haters should have a hard time with this logic, but im sure u will, so go on and hate! hate! hate! hate!


    Welcome to the board! I could be swayed by your post but I'd be interested to see where you found that info. I'm very much 'on the fence' about the O-Line. If it is the case that the rush offense was always best running behind him than he is an answer a very big question.

  4. I definitely gave Reed a lot of grief in his early years. Lots of drops and overall wasn't very reliable. Today, he's the go to guy on 3rd down. Not only is he good at blocking, he LIKES to block. I enjoy watching him piss off DB's over the course of the game by getting up in their face. I wish the rest of our OLine would take after that nasty streak...

  5. Bolden wants 10 mill a year like Fizty and if the Bills wouldn't cough up the money for Peters they sure won't for anyone...


    No that was the PLAN! Release Peters so we'd have more than enough cap space to sign Boldin - assuring our success since a teams chances of winning increases with every wide receiver you add! /sarcasm


    Aside from this not making a whole lot of sense, the Bills are too stingy.

  6. Man, you are a fun dude, I can tell. If reposting articles on a message board forum is a crime, I expect Allen Wilson to be prosecuting all of you people.


    By the way, I did pay my fee. It's called the ESPN Insider fee. You'd think I'd get a "thanks for the post" or something, instead I get grief. Jesus.


    Thanks for the post good read :rolleyes:


    I'm with a majority here - I'd be OK with this up to the third round where we should take a TE.

  7. this thread just shows how immature you all are. This topic has nothing to do about them taking Curry to spite us. Nor does it blame them. Nor does it say they have no right. He is just saying they may take curry right before us.



    Jesus Christ, learn to read.


    I think it's fair to say they screwed us even if it wasn't intentional. Willis was THE player I was hoping they'd take from the draft and he was taken 1 pick before us. That's getting screwed (even if there is no spite).

  8. This team needs a playmaker or two on the D-Line and definitely another LB.


    Do you mean two additional playmakers to go with Stroud or am I off in my assumption that he is one of the two you refer to? If that's the case if Raji would fall would you be a fan of the Raji(DT)/ Larry English(DE) first round or if Raji doesn't fall Orakpo(DE)/Jerry(DT) combo?


    With the mocks that have been thrown around it's possible that Mack might still be available in rd2 for us to grab. If that was the case and I wouldn't mind that situation (especially after reading the article from http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=87418).

  9. Say that LB Aaron Curry does indeed fall to pick #10 and San Francisco is on the clock. Could they screw us over agian by picking a LB that we might be interetsed in picking like they did with Patrick Willis a couple years ago?? This guy has pro bowl written all over him for many years. Thoughts?


    I was thinking along the same lines earlier today, not specifically with Curry but for the best player that we could draft at that position. I remember SCREAMING (manly scream mind you) when they took P. Willis before us. I still think to that pick and wonder what could have been.

  10. I feel like we have more proven talent on the D-Line than the O-Line which is why I'm not so convinced. I'm not as confident with Walker at LT despite the good performance that he showed early last season. He's big and not all that fast. I can just picture Joey Porter flying by him (much like peters this past year) and nabbing about 5 sacks. I'm a fan of Butler, and from what I've heard of Hangartner he's done well against big guys. I don't know if a lot of people are banking on Bell and Chambers but I really consider both of them unproven as well. Chambers would fill in now and again all throughout last year and did OK, but it wasn't an every down situation. Will he wear out by mid season if he's playing every offensive down?


    With the D-Line i can see us surviving with the Williams and Johnson rotation next to Stroud (although Henderson would make me giddy) with the biggest hole needing to be filled where Kelsay is.


    With Kelsay you know you're going to at least get a guy who can play against the run, but on O I still see ?'s at G and T. I don't think anybody on our roster can handle full time assignments at those positions.

  11. It seems like the Bills 2 major areas that need to be addressed are the lines on either side of the ball. Which is further in the hole and should be addressed first in the draft?


    On offense, 3 starters are now gone 2 of which have been "replaced" with Hangartner(sp) and McKinny. The right side of the line is still intact with Walker and Butler but could be shuffled now that everybody else is gone.


    On defense we have the beast Stroud, an older and recovering Schobel whose effectiveness is coming into question, Kyle Williams who is either penetrating or getting blown up, and Kelsay who is overpaid and underproductive.


    Neither is in great shape so I'd like to hear what everybody else thinks.

  12. I wouldn't be all that surprised to see Curry go #1 instead of Stafford. Apparently Culpepper has come into training camp having lost a bunch of weight and looks pretty good. That along with the Lions Defense being in desperate need for a playmaker makes me think they could switch it up at the #1!

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