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Posts posted by timba

  1. Welcome Streetcar!


    Just gotta look at your pass offense production vs our pass defense and you'll get a good idea of how this game is gonna roll. NO - 2nd in passing yardage(323/game) BB - 2nd to LAST in pass yardage allowed (332/game).


    I DO billieve our offense will give some fits to the Saints D, although i'm not convinced using the no huddle against the Saints is the way to go. The best chance the Bills have is to keep Brees off the field. They can do that with long and sustained drives, which the no huddle doesn't necessarily help with. Both of the first 2 weeks the Bills lost the TOP battle (MUCH closer in week 2 but still not over 30min).

  2. I'm definitely worried about this game.


    1. Our offense CANNOT take a quarter off like it did against the Bucs.

    2a. Drew Brees is a beast. Show him the blitz and he gets the ball out quick. Let him hold it he'll burn you deep. Can we get pressure with 4/5 guys and put him on the move?

    2b. Drew Brees needs to stay on the sideline. We improved our TOP from week one to week two, but we still didn't have it for a majority of the game. We will need to against the saints to keep their offense off the field.

    3. Greer vs. TO rematch? I was impressed with how Greer handled him in the monday night game a couple years ago. TO has lost a step and Greer has more experience.

  3. With the time left in the game and the Buc's inability to effectively move the ball I support the FG decision. It puts us up by two touchdowns, and makes the Bucs not only have to travel the entire length of the field twice, but punch it in both times as well. Statistics are nice and all but still don't tell the whole story. Last week is a great example of that. Trent had a statistically better game then Brady, but Brady played well when it counted.

  4. Tim,


    What is up with ESPN blowing TO's comments out of proportion? I mean it is like watching Fox News or MSNBC. Not only were statements carefully crafted (probably w/ the help of his PR people), but he was accurate in what he said! TO is TO, he is never going to be anything different. But, it is almost like the network has been itching to push this story and just waiting for the opportunity to do so. Pretty bad if you ask me (no offense).


    I think the reaction is pretty funny. First he doesn't answer their questions (which they already assume they know the answers to), then he answers the way they thought and they're like 'HOLY CRAP I CAN'T BELIEVE HE SAID THAT!'

    It's the same old TO. He'll produce on the field if he gets opportunities and when he doesn't, he makes sure everybody knows about it. He may not be very diplomatic about it, but at least he's honest.

  5. What he said might be true, but it isn't his job to say so. What if it was a press conference with Trent Edwards and he quoted "T.O. needs to work a little harder and learn how to get open", how do you think that would sit with the guy who says "My name is T.O."?


    It may not be his job to say so, but whoever was supposed to have that job has been missing. If Trent did say that and it was true, I would hope TO takes the criticism like Trent should and step up... of course that's an ideal situation. Since it's Trent though, we don't need to worry about it.

  6. "Who do you recommend get the axe? Bobby April for his guy bringing the ball out of the end zone? Perry for having the same defense called in the same situation that NE scored the first one on? Dick Jauron for being Dick Jauron? What do you think the major benefits are for switching these individuals now?

    I've noticed this habit on the board... the SECOND somebody has a different idea on a topic they are called an idiot, and no opposite argument is provided. It's simply 'you don't agree with me?! you're obviously stupid!' People are way too eager to try to prove their superiority over others, and you just look ignorant because of it. Explain your point in a different way and let them know WHY you think their idea is not the proper course. "


    Timba -


    I believe the best way to start is to dismiss DJ. Like Schottenheimer was released for not being able to win in the playoffs. DJ showed he has no control of this team. McKelvin is programmed to catch the ball and run as fast as he can. DJ is responsible for making sure the right move is made, relaying that to the (in this case) Special Teams coach, who then gives the order to the player (if the player goes rogue, then he should be released).


    He did not do this in this case. He has proven that he can not win in games like this...which ultimately determines whether or not you make the playoffs or have a successful season. He can not do either, thus he should be removed.


    Look at it this way...whether or not you all want to admit it, this entire season is a total wash because the Bills will not make the playoffs (you'll kick yourself in December when that becomes more evident)...so, the Bills can begin the process now, lose big and hope for a big draft pick, or maybe win something like 5 games, and just keep Joe Fan waiting to see what happens. Personally, I prefer sooner than later, it demonstrates to me that the organization wants to "FIND" a way to win. And they cant win with this coaching staff.


    May sound drastic, but if it were me, I would dismiss the entire coaching staff other than Van Pelt... and start over...yes, in the beginning of the season.


    Just My Opinion, and yes, if you dont agree with me I tend to believe you're an idiot.


    Alright, I can see where you're coming from here. You're definitely looking more long term than I am. My original thought to your post was 'how does this help us get better this year?' and my belief is getting rid of the current staff, including DJ, would not help us win more games THIS YEAR. However, looking in the long term and believing this season is at a loss (my foolish hope won't allow that yet) I agree that removing Jauron is prudent. These last few years have shown that he is a liability on the sideline when the game is on the line. He doesn't seem to inspire his players to be their best, and his conservative style doesn't allow our players to be play-makers.


    That McKelvin took that ball out shows, if the call DID in fact come from DJ, that maybe he's trying to move away from that conservative approach. Before the outcry, in the situation we were in (receiving the kickoff with the lead with 2:06 left) I would have called for the knee. For once we had the lead and the offense was efficient for most of the day up to that point. However, the other side is if McKelvin takes it out and can burn 6 seconds we only need one first down and that's the game. They made their decision and I'm ok with it (after cursing and muttering about it for several hours of course).


    I guess in summary, if it's sure that the season is at a loss, I'd be willing to support canning DJ.

  7. Who do you recommend get the axe? Bobby April for his guy bringing the ball out of the end zone? Perry for having the same defense called in the same situation that NE scored the first one on? Dick Jauron for being Dick Jauron? What do you think the major benefits are for switching these individuals now?


    I've noticed this habit on the board... the SECOND somebody has a different idea on a topic they are called an idiot, and no opposite argument is provided. It's simply 'you don't agree with me?! you're obviously stupid!' People are way too eager to try to prove their superiority over others, and you just look ignorant because of it. Explain your point in a different way and let them know WHY you think their idea is not the proper course.

  8. It's much easier to just compare the actual stats, which still don't tell the whole story.


    Trent went 15/25 (60%) 212Yds 8.5Avg 2TD 0INT 114.1Rate

    Brady went 39/53 (73.6%) 378Yds 7.1Avg 2TD 1INT 97.8Rate


    Notice the last item, Rate, which calculates how statistically proficient each player was. It says Trent did better and I believe it just looking at those numbers. WHEN Trent was getting rid of it his results were better than Brady. That being said, in the last 6 minutes of the game it was all Brady. He only needed 6 minutes to overcome an 11 point deficit. Granted, events did take place that he had no control of (fumble) but it was Brady who made the most of it. Edwards was given an opportunity in the last 50 seconds. He didn't.

  9. The difference between this games short yardage passing and most of last years is a lot of these plays the running back was the primary target. Screen plays folks! Something we haven't seen effectively in a while!


    SouthernGeorgia - You REALLY think highly of yourself, but it's leading to you talking down to people... and you really shouldn't.

  10. TOP was definitely in the Pats* favor but the large 14 minute difference was not caused by the no huddle. What ended up killing the TOP was the poor timing of drops and penalties. The drops by Shawn Nelson, Lee Evans, and Terrell Owens were all for first down. There were two first down runs by Freddy Jackson that were called back because of penalties and put the O in ridiculous situations to make a first. That is 5 drives friends. When we did sustain a drive, our numbers were comparable to the Patriots.

  11. Frankly, if teams are going to double cover Lee and TO every play that leaves room for the running game. Eventually they are going to have to put another in the box and when they do, we have receivers who can win 90% of the time in a 1v1.


    Not gonna lie.... I'm excited for when Marshawn comes back. I would like to see some formations with Lee, TO, Marshawn, and Mr. Action Freddy Jackson on the field at the same time. It could make for matchup nightmares for opposing D's.

  12. The few positives I took from this game:


    1. The screen pass was an amazing thing to see in a Bills uniform! We need more of that.

    2. The effect of TO opening the middle of the field for Freddy J.

    3. Freddy J

    4. AVP had some solid play calling, although many were saying the same thing about Schonert

    5. Run D looked solid for the most part



    My big peeves:


    1. Detrimental Bell and his penalties - killed some drives

    2. Obviously McKelvin's return

    3. Clock management during last possession

    4. Can we please cover the comeback?

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