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Posts posted by phillyrich

  1. For folks who think that my topic is lame, that is fine. To each his/her own. I have become a big fan of this site because of the overall knowledge of fans who have the courage to share their thoughts and opinions. I think the knowledge level of football is quite high, BTW.


    Am I the guy who predictaed 10 wins this year. Well, prior to the season, I did yes. If we had anywhere close to a decent coaching staff, we should at the very leat be half way home to that right now - 5-4 vs 3-6. a half way decent coach would have won us the Pat's game and the Browns game. Anyway, I new we were done when the Bills offense could not score a TD on the New Orleans Defense (at home mind you).


    One of my reasons for why the Bills are attractive is because of Lack there of for the Dan Snyder/Jerry Jones effect. That was only opinion of mine at the time I wrote this topic. However, although only a rumor, it appears that this opinion is now shared by other folks as well (I think you will be happy with what you read):


  2. My reasons as to why the Buffalo Bills vacancy is attractive to a Big Name Coach:


    1.) The Dan Snyder / Jerry Jones Effect. Or in the Bills case, a clear, clear lack there of. No Billio-(idiot)-naire meddling in any football decisionmaking. Outside of course "Mr Shanahan, to sign these coaches and players how much money do you need????? OK done"

    2.) Potential top 5 draft pick, two in the top 38. The Big Name football guy can start the rebuild/retool/reignite process with those two picks. Can you say Jevan Snead or Jimmy Clausen with the top 5 pick as our Qb for the next 10 - 15 years.

    3.) The current roster, although not much, is not completely devoid of talent.

    4.) Total football control/autonomy/monopoly/dictatorship what have you.

    5.) Mini Me Media as compared to the much larger fish bowl city Media folks.

    6.) Between $8 - $10M per year paid for by our lovely northern neighbor friends in Canada.

  3. Coaching philosophy may be irrelevant. What is definitely not irrelevant is the requirement of "weather coaching experience" in the Big Name Coach the Bills are rumored to be opening the cash vault for. If a coaching regime does not understand the significance of coaching in fowl weather, especially wind, the Big Name Coach will not win in Buffalo.


    Regardless of offensive philosophies such as: West Coast (Green Bay), Spread (New England), Big and Physical (NY Giants), an item always considered in the home game plan is what type of weather to expect. When you use the weather, such as wind, in your game plan, you can plan for:


    Area's of the stadium that have higher wind gusts than others

    Strategize on kicking field goals no longer than say even 35 - 40 yards

    Calling for the wind at your back in Quarters 2 and 4

    Better management of time outs

    The list could go on and on of course


    In the last three seasons alone, I can count at least 7 Bills losses that were due to the (then) head coach not understanding how to game plan WITH the wind.


    I became a real football fan say in 1981 because that is the earliest I remember games. The three coaches in my opinion that mastered using the wind as an advantage were:


    Marv Levy

    Bill Belicheck

    Bill Parcells


    Although succesful with the Bills, Chuck Knox did not know how to game plan taking in to consideration windy conditions. If he would have, he may have one at least one more game in 1980 and possibly two more in 1981.


    I am happy with the change. I am not a believer in coincidences. However, just hours prior to the Jauron firing, Jim brown spills the beans on Holgrem in Cleveland. 28 minutes after the Jauron announcement, Gruden restates his position that yes he will coach again.


    Lets finally all enjoy some ironic excitement the Bills have brought on the fan base :rolleyes:

  4. Team,


    What needs to happen is Freddy staying the starter.........period. Marshawn is to much of a personal risk and has at times seemed to run to the wrong hole (s). Marshawn is a good talent. But not the right fit for the Bills. The Bills lockerrom has appeared to rally around Freddy, and for a young team, the lockerrom perception is immensely important. The BILLS FO should allow Marshawn time to "promote" his talents on the field as a backup to Freddie. Then the FO should trade Marshawn out of Buffalo by the trade deadline.

  5. Team - I am happy to read some one finally addressed the fact that New Orleans played against two QB's making their first starts. That was a big reason why New Orleans won each game.


    I live outside of Philly. You know how the score of a game is not a true indication of the game itself? This statement applies to the NO/PHL game. Sure Drew Brees have a great day. However, PHL did everything they could to make NO look good:


    - 3 turnovers by PHL were converted to TD's. That is 21 points. Two of those turnovers were deep in PHL territory.

    - PHL did not score touchdown's when they were in the NO red zone.

    - PHL did not stop blitzing even while NO beat the blitz


    Yes NO is 2 - 0, but they are not immortal. I will say it again, I see a 4 point game on Sunday.

  6. I like the move. I believe that Runyan could have added a veteran presence, but since we didnt sign him right away, I think the FO realized his age and coming off an injury may not be a good fit. Remember, Modrak brought him to Philly, so if there was afit, modrak would have lobbied hard. i dont necessarily believe money was the main issue here. i believe that the FO looked at the core of young guys in the locker room and decided that they want to groom together those young guys into eventual leaders, TO excluded of course. This is a nice fit.

  7. Football Night in America was one of those little footnotes/Oh By The Way's that did not get full publicity it should have when the NFL and NBC announced their partnership. One of the requirements NBC had was to basically own the Sunday afternoon/evening NFL end to end highlight show until 12:00AM the following Monday morning. This is why ESPN filters in to SPORTSCENTER the NFL Blitz. Football night in America is subpar and not on the level of Primetime

  8. The game plan vs New Orleans should be:



    Run Freddie J between Levitre and Wood, not outside. Saints has two solid D Ends.

    Trent needs to have at least 3 completions to at least 7 different pass catchers. By having this large of spread across the offense will make it difficult for the Defense to key on a particular player on a big play, like a 3rd and 5 late in the 3rd quarter or something.

    While in the no-huddle, no reason we cant have 12 play drives. We need long yardage wise drives to keep our D fresh on sidelines, while still using no huddle.

    The offense needs to filter back in screen passes. G Williams is blitz happy and we can nail is coffin with well planned screen passes.

    Go spread offense about 30% of the time to screw up G Williams blitz happy D.

    No turnovers. Saints converted three turnovers, two very deep in Philly territory, in to 21 points.



    NO BLITZING. Brees torched the Blitz happy Philly D, who just would not stop blitzing.

    Cover 2 or 3. 2 to 3 deep the majority of time.

    Allow for the short catches but make the pass catcher PAY the PRICE.

    Drew Brees is actually a short human being. If Stroud and Williams can keep the middle clogged while Schobel and Kelsay stay to the outside, Brees will have some issues seeing over the line. Sound familiar?

    Use Maybin's speed rush outside always, He was locking up to much vs the Bucs and not using any hand technique whatsoever.

    If New Orleans is going to score and they will, hopefully it will be quick scores, no long time consuming drive scores. This will get the D off the field and keep New Orleans D on the field.


    Special teams:

    Here we have a real advantage. Detroit and Philly both had solid success on returns vs New Orleans. No reason we cant gash New Orleans for sizable returns, when given the chance.


    Score - I see a four point game. ( I know better than to pick/pick against the Bills :rolleyes:)

  9. THe young O-Line did a very, very nice job last night.


    Bell played very solid against O Thomas, a premier Defensive Player in this league. He did a nice job in pass protection, giving Trent the space Trent needed to make his reads. Yes Bell had some penalties, but over all he played at a good a level that gave us a chance to win late.


    Levitre and Wood both played very, very good. Blocking isnt necessarily blowing De Lineman off the ball. Blocking is engaging the D Lineman then popping of to the next level of Defenders, which both Levitre and Wood did a great job at. You already notice their quickness......just watch the highlights of our screen pass's. Go and checking Wilforks's stat's and all you need to know is that these two youngsters did a good enough job to win vs a player who will be franchised next year.


    The offensive game plan I feel played to the strengths of these three young guys. It will help this team be succesful this year. For all the "Patriots played poorly", that is BS. Our effort last night was legit. We outplayed a team that was a popular pick to win the Super Bowl, and it has a lot to do with the play of these three young guys.

  10. Folks realize the big big point here. Now the entire media circus is squarely on a proven future hall of famer, who has caught 38 td's the last three years. You watch, the media will focus on TO, and will lighten up on Trent, the three 1st time starting offensive lineman, the fact that we replaced Offensive Coordinators, etc.


    I love it. i hope I hear more TO-isms before monday night.


    Getcha popcorn ready!

  11. Trent Edwards has yet to over come the massive hit he took vs Arizona. He has not been the same player since. He is afraid to leverage any sort of anticipation with his throws. Anticipation meaning that he is throwing to a spot regardless of if the receiver is open when he throws. Trent needs to be confident in the fact that the receiver, which we have 2 of the top 15 in league btw, will get open and or/make the play. Trent has ZERO confidence. And for Trent to be upset that he is getting criticized by the Buffalo media, ha.........well, the Buffalo media is no where close to the media hounds in larger NFL cities. He either needs to tighten his chip strap a little more and come to play FOOTBALL or tighten the airplane seat belt on his way out of town.

  12. I could not agree anymore with what Bruce Dehaven had to say in this article. I have said this a few times with family, that if the Bills didn't pull out the two miracle wins in 1990 - Denver and LA Raiders, they would not have made it to the Super Bowl that year. The special teams play delivered by Tasker and his crew during the game changing "bursts" so to speak in each game SAVED the Bills season.

  13. With the additions of the rookies to the line, Butler moving out to Right Tackle gives the offense another weapon we have not yet discussed in full detail - Screen passes. We were sad on screens last year mainly because of how large the O-Line was. With Butler, the rookies and Hangartner, we now have the ability to nail defenses wanting to blistz with a screen pass that has mobile O Lineman ready to rumble.

  14. I am glad some one finally added Langston's sack number from last year - 3.5. I dont understand why people have issue with him. Langston has been solid for us, and at $5M/year, a nice deal overall. My keys to a good offensive line are the following:


    High percentage of short - 3 step that is, drop by the quarterback

    Quick release by the quarterback

    At least 4 solid pass options for the quarterback

    Running backs that correctly read then hit the right hole


    The NEw England Patriots have a solid O-Line, but it is not a unit that steam rolls people. They play as a unit for the system and style of offense Tom Brady runs - Quick release, at least four pass options, good decision maker, etc., with running backs that hit the right hole.


    BTW - running backs hitting the hole is why I wish Fred Jackson would bve our starter over Marshawn.

  15. Hey there folks. First off, any of you all live in the Philly area? Let me know.


    Disagree on members points that just because folks got hurt it makes a draft year a bust. Chris Ellis, Alvin Bowen and Derek Fine will be solid players. Of the draftees that were injured, I think Alvin Bowen will become the best of the bunch. I did not like what I saw of Hardy when he played. He could not catch a cold. That was a shame because Trent tried to instill confidence by throwing the ball to Hardy's way so much. I can see Alvin Bowen winning the starting OLB opposite Kavika.


    These last three drafts have been all very solid. We have loaded up on a stock pile of players. Whether we want to agree or not, the true vice of the Bills organization this decade has been our inability to close the deal in very close ballgames.

  16. So none of us has never worked with big mouth's. Yeah right. The difference between the big mouth's that we remember and forget: Production. TO will produce.


    Gee Whiz. You think we all could deal with his Passion vs. the inpetitutde the offense displayed during the last five home games: 3 Offensive Touchdowns. That's one of the major reasons we didnt make the palyoffs. 3 offensive touchdowns in the last five home games. TO - my popcorn is ready!


    BTW - here is Philly, the Eagles lockerroom did not run TO out of town. As a matter of fact, it wasnt even Andy Reid's decision to release TO. Andy Reid wanted TO here, even after the sit up's in front of his (TO's) Moorestown mansion. Over half the lockerroom including former Eagle leaders: Dawkins, Kearse, Trotter....all begged to keep TO. The issues the played against TO is how Upper Level Mgt in The Eagles Baby and Boo-Coo Donavan McNabb.


    So - regarding Direct TV football Package.................yep, worth another year.

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