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Posts posted by Schobel94

  1. Lol, anyone here talking smack about our 4-0 team....take a good HARD look at the product on the field. Not as well rounded or ready as we thought.


    they are fine, nobody expected us to go undefeated anyway, i would rather get the hype over by losing now, leting edwards heal and get ready for the chargers.

  2. Sure it is, but the minute Trent went out the D needed to know it was on them and they had to step up. They didn't.


    exactly, unfortunately when your on the field for a couple 10+ play drives you will see any defense struggle. this game will come down to how much time each offense is on the field. normally the cards are a fast scoring team cuz they pass a lot, but this coach has them slowing the game down with the slants and check downs, its almost like they counted on keeping our offense off the field(now where have we heard of this gameplan before?)

  3. The offense is also used to the Bills stopping the opposition on 3rd down as well. Face it: the D is getting killed on short passes and has to adjust. I miss McGee WAY more than I miss Trent at this point! The offense has started slow in every game besides the Jags; I'm not used to the D getting torched!


    McGee might help on a few defensive plays (no doubt) but as far as how long the offense is on the field and how fresh the defense is, Trent edwards makes all the difference.

  4. This was one of the faults of the JP era. Short drives leave the D on the field too much.


    if we can keep within 7, or if our offensive line suddenly learns how to runblock, we can adjust at halftime. even if we lose though that means that Trent has 2 weeks to rest. Our season isn't over...hopefully.

  5. thats why he is our backup though, its real easy to gameplan for that against a starting quarterback but now that he is a backup, other teams don't worry about him until the stater gets hurt. those long plays should work all day cuz the cardinals did not gameplan for it...at least not that much.

  6. Schobel is overrated, not underrated.


    Cue the person to come in with all the stats now.


    Schobel is not overrated!!! He has led this defense in sacks for the past 5 seasons! everyone thought that because we got stroud schobel would automatically get 16 sacks this year. it has actually worked the opposite so far...schobel has been double teamed a lot with the left tackle and the running back leaving stroud to cause havoc in the center. besides the fact that most of the time he has been playing run defense, staying in his gap and letting mitchel and poz beat the crap out of the other teams run game. i am pretty positive they couldn't run the perimeter of the defense yesterday, it was all up the middle, why because schobel forced them back inside.

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