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Posts posted by FreakPop

  1. Most NFL coaches choose to defer to the 2nd half but this Sunday is different in my opinion. I think with the question marks surrounding what the Jets will do with Tebow/Sanchez and the wildcat the Bills should hope we get the ball first.


    Chan should go into this game thinking about running the ball more than usual and shorten the game. Keep the Jets offense off the field so that question mark we can adjust to at the half.


    What do you guys think? Have you thought of this at all?


    Don't really care one way or the other.

  2. No, but it's reasonable to revisit it if he is a 3 time all pro and the reigning rushing champion with a dozen guys being paid more before even going into the team friendly section (note it was never unfriendly, in hindsight the last 3 were very fair to each). I don't love the holdout but I also think that common sense said they hammer something out in April, and at this point try to put this behind them instead of taking a quarter of his salary.


    OMG, you just don't get it do you. Impossible to talk sense to you. I'm done.

  3. Forte is 8 per


    Rice is 8 per


    McFadden is on a well payed rookie deal (not sure his escalators to give a simple per year), but well more than mjd


    Jackson is on a shade under 8 per deal


    Cj2k is 13+ per


    Peterson is 10+ regardless of when that deal gets cut


    Foster is 8.5 per


    McCoy is 9 per


    Deangelo Williams is 8 per


    Marshawn is 8 per


    that's 10 guys that I came up with that have a contract in hand today worth 2+ per year more than mjd, and 1+ per year than his "front loaded" section.


    Heck - even frank gore has a higher yearly average over the length


    He's sitting with turner, or Charles as his peers currently.


    Mjd getting 7 was a fair deal the last 3 years. It wasn't overpaying him upfront to save on the back (again, ala revis). To get him in the 7-8 ballpark the next 2 years instead of 4.5 isn't crazy. I'm not crying for poor mjd, but it's pretty reasonable for him to want more. I lied earlier when I said barely top ten, his 3 front loaded years put him at 12th (with guys i could think of off hand) and his full length average into the teens atleast on per year average


    In 2009 when he signed his contract, Darren Sproles of all people and Steven Jackson were the only RBs getting more in base salary. With bonus it made him top guy. So MJD was getting paid and paid as the top back. Check it out. I can't find any other years salaries.




    Is the rest of the league just supposed to stop paying their guys because MJD won't be the highest paid anymore. I don't think so. He got his money up front like he wanted, Jax did him good in 2009. If he didn't agree, he didn't have to sign.

  4. The per year average on the deal barely gets him in the top 10, and the next few years he will be well lower than his peers. Heck, his 3 highest paying years arent even noteworthy in salary. In his first 3 years of it he has been an all pro every year, his second year he played on a badly injured knee (still had 4.4 per, 1600 yards from scrimmage, and a ton of touches despite a torn minuscus), last year he led the league in rushing with no help and near 400 touches (often a career killer). He's been the saving grace and face of a bad franchise that has been sinking.


    Top backs, even with little leverage (see forte) got 8+ per year. With AD, cj2k, foster, McCoy, Ray rice all getting more than fortes 8 per. Steven Jackson is over 7 and can void low paying years bumping the average up to 10m.


    I'm not crying for mjd here, but he's done everything asked of him and I don't think it's crazy for him to want to renegotiate here. Looking at 9m for the next 2 years, while his peers average that for the life of their deals.


    The last 3 years he's averaged over 350 touches, and like 1700 yards from scrimmage. There's no way he holds up long term if they work him like that, so I'd, in his shoes, want to get paid in line with the premier backs if the plan is to run me into the ground.


    The easy answer wouldve been to tag an extra year on and try to keep him at the 7m average of the first 3 years for the next 3, be in spitting distance of rice, forte and foster, while writing in some protections against future holdouts.


    At this point, you tell the guy "you know what, come back to work and let's start with a clean slate and we can re-visit the money next year" or you try to trade him. You don't tell him to get hiss butt back on the field and that he won't be getting paid for the next month while he's at it.


    It's just the right way to do it if you want positivity in the building. This isn't the guy that opted for a huge bonus and low salary and is now complaining about his salary after pocketing huuuuuge money. He's paid a lot, but not in line with his peers, even in his highest paying and their low paying years. He's a great player, he's well respected around the league, and yes, he's known to be underpaid - not the ideal case for who gets made an example of.


    Well as far as that comment, I could only find 4 guys paid more than MJD for this year, S Jackson, A Peterson, C Johnson, and D McFadden, and before this year $21 million over 3 years is $7 million. Not too many RBs making more than that per year.

  5. The per year average on the deal barely gets him in the top 10, and the next few years he will be well lower than his peers. Heck, his 3 highest paying years arent even noteworthy in salary. In his first 3 years of it he has been an all pro every year, his second year he played on a badly injured knee (still had 4.4 per, 1600 yards from scrimmage, and a ton of touches despite a torn minuscus), last year he led the league in rushing with no help and near 400 touches (often a career killer). He's been the saving grace and face of a bad franchise that has been sinking.


    Top backs, even with little leverage (see forte) got 8+ per year. With AD, cj2k, foster, McCoy, Ray rice all getting more than fortes 8 per. Steven Jackson is over 7 and can void low paying years bumping the average up to 10m.


    I'm not crying for mjd here, but he's done everything asked of him and I don't think it's crazy for him to want to renegotiate here. Looking at 9m for the next 2 years, while his peers average that for the life of their deals.


    The last 3 years he's averaged over 350 touches, and like 1700 yards from scrimmage. There's no way he holds up long term if they work him like that, so I'd, in his shoes, want to get paid in line with the premier backs if the plan is to run me into the ground.


    The easy answer wouldve been to tag an extra year on and try to keep him at the 7m average of the first 3 years for the next 3, be in spitting distance of rice, forte and foster, while writing in some protections against future holdouts.


    At this point, you tell the guy "you know what, come back to work and let's start with a clean slate and we can re-visit the money next year" or you try to trade him. You don't tell him to get hiss butt back on the field and that he won't be getting paid for the next month while he's at it.


    It's just the right way to do it if you want positivity in the building. This isn't the guy that opted for a huge bonus and low salary and is now complaining about his salary after pocketing huuuuuge money. He's paid a lot, but not in line with his peers, even in his highest paying and their low paying years. He's a great player, he's well respected around the league, and yes, he's known to be underpaid - not the ideal case for who gets made an example of.


    When MJD signed a 5 year contract for $30, he was not the featured back yet, as he was splitting carries with Fred Taylor. He had yet to gain over 1000 yards or have over 200 carries. Yet at the time Jax paid him top back money despite not proving he could carry the load, with a front loaded contract that was team/cap friendly the last 2 years.


    Now we speed forward 3 years or actually his 4th and 5th year of the contract and he cries he wants more money. Gee, got a big signing bonus with a front loaded ($21million over the first 3 years) and now holds out. No effing way, he wanted a lot up front or early in the contract and Jax did that for him, now it is time for him to be a man and honor the last 2 years.


    If the contract had been reversed would he still have wanted to hold out, no way. He needs to shut up and just run the ball. Jax already did take care of him.

  6. He's not the guy you make an example of, unless you don't see a future with him. This could be a big distraction, or it could disappear. Neither side benefits from this escalating. Both would be wise to lay it to rest now. That means mjd shows up, and khan welcomes him back.


    The fine produces very little good here. The guy already swallowed his pride.


    Yes he is. He signed the deal, he should honor the deal. If he didn't like the deal 3 years ago he shouldn't have agreed to it.


    What pride is there to swallow? MJD created the whole situation all by himself, Khan isn't doing anything wrong, he is only enforcing the rules that MJD agreed to.

  7. Harrison and Wayne were special because of Manning.


    Elsewhere, they are ordinary to good.


    As already mentioned, Casell went 11-5 in Brady's absence. That's VERY telling.


    We all know how the Colts did without Manning.


    Brady is undoubtedly an all-time geat QB. The question was asked, is he the greaest?


    The answer is.....NO.




    ...or was Manning special because of Wayne and Harrison? Works both ways.


    as already stated, Painter sucks so bad he was cut this year and Cassel has been a good starter for the Chiefs the past couple of years.


    again without a doubt Manning has had better skill guys to work with.


    In a big game and big game situation, i'm taking Brady over Manning. Period! Hey look I can do it too.

  8. You're right about the 9 years; my memory got fuzzy on that one. I should have gone with 7 - It makes my argument work better :D .


    As far as the bold part, unless you're looking exclusively at receivers I don't know how you get there. NE's O-line has been one of, if not the single best units in the league year in year out. And since 07 NE's had arguably (almost certainly) better receivers, and with the exception of a year or two under Dungy, Indys D has been mediocre at best. I know it gets repeated ad nauseum, but it's hard to argue that a team that went 11-5 under a guy who hadn't started a game since HS has a solid supporting cast.


    So you are trying to say New England has had 2 receivers better than, IMO HOFers Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne, throw is Dallas Clark for good measure, and oh how about Edgerrin James catching balls out of the backfield also! No way no how has NE had better skill players than the Colts. I don't know how you can even justify what you are saying, it's not even arguable that Manning has better supporting cast. The oline is debatable and that is about it as both of those units were good.

  9. Have you never watched either of them play? Manning is clearly the superior quarterback. The Colts could barely win a game without him -- The Patriots won 11 without Brady. Does that not give you an indication of who has the better talent on their team? And you've neglected to include BB in Brady's success.


    Maybe the backup QB had a little to do with that. C Painter just got cut because he sucks where M Cassel is and has been the starter in KC for a few years now. Hmmm did'nt think about that did ya!

  10. I only mention it because the SBs are what everyone rests the Brady's the Greatest argument on. 3 SBs by a FG each, I think it's a valid question. I think Brady's one of the greatest either way. I thought he was very underrated back then. The line on that team was that there was no star on the team. Now we know there were stars and Brady was the biggest star. All the same, it's a tale of 2 careers.


    Early Brady didn't put up monster numbers, but he won SBs - all under a cloud of controversy. Over the last 8 or 9 years Brady has put up monster numbers, but has been mediocre in the playoffs. During that same time Manning, with less of a supporting cast (I really don't think this is even debatable) has put up equally impressive numbers, has been to as many SBs, and unlike Brady actually won one.


    It's a testament to the guy that even his detractors concede he's one of the best who ever did it. And when evaluating him overall I don't think Spygate takes much away from him overall. But when you're comparing against the other greats of the game, those subtle distinctions take on a lot more meaning.


    Don't know where you are getting your info from, but Brady and Manning have had very similar numbers throughout their careers, and going back 9 years Brady is 2-2 in super bowls where Manning is 1-1.


    In no way shape or form has Manning had lesser talent at his disposal than Brady. The lone exception for Brady was a couple of years of R Moss to throw to.

  11. Any argument where you have to use "if only...." is a losing argument. And by "surrounding cast" I'm talking about more than the skill positions. Brady's losses to the Giants are HUGE dings to his record, especially the first loss against a 10-6 team.


    Whatever, Manning couldn't even get to another superbowl and have the luxury to lose it. Toms been to 5. Nuff said!

  12. WTF

    Smith can't play any of the positions he is slotted for...is he a receiver or QB, or kick returner....IMHO he has never demonsxtrated ability to be a success in any of those spots. How would you like to see him a game as QB?

    And McGee is not ready, he is potentially ready, as he has been since July.


    I agree with you about Smith. He is a jack of all trades and master on none. I don't think he is much good at anything but I can understand why they kept him. His versatility is what helped him win a roster spot.

  13. I think it is obvious that there is more to just playing in a game that goes into being a backup QB. Running the scout team, breaking down film, taking instruction/direction from coaches, keeping good information on the clipboard during the game, gameday preparation etc. are things that a backup QB needs to be good at also. Thigpen may not have the physical tools to be a very good QB when thrust into the situation if the starter goes down but he might be lightyears better than VY or even BS is/was at all the other things. Jury is still out on TJ but after his interview it seems likely TT has an advantage over him as well at all the other things.

  14. Call me whatever you want after reading my response.


    I have a hunch we will release Thigpen after the JETS game. Maybe we kept him around with the idea of blocking the JETS from picking him up prior to game 1. JETS realize opening day is huge vs the Bills. JETS have been known to rent players for a few weeks.


    Having 4 WR's on the roster I don't think is a big deal, not at this point in the season. If we review last year, how often did we actually have 4 WR's on the field? A combo of 2 out of CJ, Chandler, Dickerson will most probably be on the field if we go 5 wide. Another suspicion I have is I don't think we will go 5 wide a lot until Eric Wood is 100% both physically and mentally. I think Eric being rusty in the pre season with blitz pick up calls led to the blitzing Fitz had trouble with when we went 5 wide in pre season.


    Regardless, I am not convinced Buddy and Whaley are not kicking the tires to bring another WR off waivers or even trade.



  15. I think Thigpen will be on the roster for week 1 at least, Jackson does not appear anywhere near ready to play if Fitz goes down early in week 1. I think Morrison will make it too, one of the rookie LBs (I’m thinking Carder) to the practice squad. I doubt we keep 9 on the O-line, I see 8 at the most (Sanders to PS). BTW, no way Hagen is still PS eligible, he’s been in the league for like 7 years now. I’d rather we keep Roosevelt and Easley over him anyways.


    I think that would be a bad move, as I don't think Tank would make it 2 days on the Bills PS before somebody would scoop him up.

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