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Posts posted by FreakPop

  1. Ralph is not going to sign a long term lease, he wants 220 + and an easy exit cause, if not he will continue to extend until his passing. The league will use this as there excuse why the team can't make in buffalo. The team will be sold to a group for a record amount, and moved to a large market. My friends it is time to let go.


    No way, the team isn't going anywhere. There is 10+ million people from Rochester to Toronto, find an empty larger market than that. LA doesn't count as it will never have a team again.

  2. Me and a couple guys I work with had this thought.


    We wonder, if the reason Ralph hasn't sold, and we know his daughters have no interest, maybe he is going to WILL the team to Jim Kelly and his investors.


    No debt load for Jim other than estate taxes, and it would allow Jim keep the team here and stay competitive. You never know!


    I have to believe Ralph has a plan in place for when he dies, he has too. What he has is too big not to, because he sure seems like he has no interest in selling.

  3. Exactly the type of post I expected from someone on this board!...Thanks for not letting me down... :thumbsup:


    Also...No one ever tells me what to do...So when you say stop it...It's like talking to a brick wall...Because I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do around here...It's a free board...a free country...Go tell you're dog what to do...Let others do as they wish... B-)


    Well, how many different ways can it be beaten to death? Every stinking day there is a new topic bashing Fitz. It's just getting old. The 2013 draft for Qbs has already been hashed and rehashed and rerehashed. How many times does it have to happen? It was the 1st game of the year. Can't we try and enjoy 2012 first? There is 4 months between the end of the season and the draft, can't it wait until then! Geez

  4. Boom, lets look at his whole career.....his record does represent who he is. Freakpop we got it you think Fitz is a top 5 qb. There is a percentage of bills fans that think he's a bottom 5 qb.......Face the facts as ESPN would tell you at 4pm weekdays NUMBERS NEVER LIE. He is subpar at best and has way too many holes in his game IMO.


    Nope, not at all. Middle of the road is what I think and I just don't think he is as bad as everyone is trying to make him out to be.


    If they can upgrade the QB position i'm all for it. It's just there isn't a Manning, Brees, Brady sitting around waiting to be traded or currently unemployed looking for a phone call from the Bills. All the bellyaching for Fitz to be replaced by TJ or VY isn't the answer as that would be a lateral move at best, and all the useless and endless threads trying to spin how bad Fitz is, are just idiotic ways of trying to stir the pot. They are non productive.

  5. Wow, why the sarcasm? I will illustrating a couple points with an example from week 1 that shows his strengths and limitations... not quite sure why you would react like that.


    The 2nd INT was a good example as well... the reason why I used the 1st one was because the read was more difficult. When I saw the game live and I agreed with you that his throw was late. But after watching the play more and more, a throw from the far hash to the far sideline needs to be on a line, unfortunately, only a few QB's can make that throw.


    Are you saying Johnson turned the wrong way on the route? That is hard to tell without knowing the exact play call... if one of the players said that post-game I must have missed it.





    ...and this comment is exactly why nobody knows what is really going on within the team and everybody is just speculating, and not actually knowing.

  6. I dont usually get my hopes up for the Bills winning a lot of games. This year I thought we might have a chance to be better, but come out and play like we did last week, This is the first time I feel slightly embarrassed to call myself a bills fan so im bringing myself a bag just in case they start to make a habit of playing like crap.


    Instead of a paper bag use a plastic bag and make sure you tie the handles real tight, you don't want any air getting in.

  7. I wonder where the dline was today also, but it did seem Sanchez was doing 3 step drops all day and he never seemed to hold the ball for more than a couple of seconds. The dline wasn't there today but neither were the coverage guys.


    All in all seemed like a total breakdown of the defense and it started with the stache.

  8. I am not saying he will be benched...but you ridicule people yet ignore the fact that this is what Fitz has done in literally the MAJORITY of his starts in Buffalo. You want to treat it like a fluke, but unfortunately it has been the norm. You can go game by game he has started here and his bad games out number his good ones 3 to 1.


    Your right he was not the greatest last year after he got his ribs broken against Wash. 10TDs 16Int. and 1-8 record. But he was 14TDs 7Int before Wash. and 5-2 record. So he can have good games in a row.


    You ever tried to do anything with broken ribs let alone take body shots from 300+ pounders? Just breathing hurts.


    Not making excuses for Fitz as he needs to be better, more consistent, but he isn't as bad as a lot want to make him out to be.

  9. I dont care HOW good their run defense is supposed to be........make them prove it......


    - Lots of 2 TE sets.......



    - Lots of carries for both FJ and Spiller



    - We now have the defense to back up a running game plane.........stick with it. Let Fitz work off play action


    Why shouldn't Fitz be allowed to throw the ball? I agree with running the ball because I think Fred is a top back and CJ is a great 2nd option but to say don't let Fitz throw is asinine.


    At the jets last year Fitz was 26/39 264 yds 3/0 TD/Int and 111.5 QB rating. No reason not to let him throw.

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