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Everything posted by A WORK OF ART

  1. What song do they keep playing on the draft? Anyone know? Thanks Guys.
  2. and add this - Mommie has to go away for a few months. Politics are more important than my troubled Teen daughter and my 4 month old baby with tough challenges ahead. Now THAT is a values person.
  3. It's falling apart for Mc Cain. Obviously he did not make the pick. He spent all of 3 hours with her in his lifetime... and that is enough time spent to get to know someone and make her VP? I wonder who made the decision for him? His first chance to make an executive decision and he screws it up.
  4. Funny thing is Mc Cain only met her once for an afternoon. So that asks the question "What moron picker her?" 18 months experience in America's wasetland, a pregnant 17 year old daughter (so much for Abstinence) and a needy 4 month old baby at home while she cuts and runs from her responsibilities at home. This is gonna be bad news for Mc Cain. Maybe if he was coherent enough to make his own decisions he would have picked someone else.
  5. And, who chose her? Mc Cain only met and spoke with her once for an afternoon so it couldn't have been him. Scary huh?
  6. Also, it seems like they all have the same thing to say - Pailin is tough, she has family problems like everyone else and the party is energized. 2 out of three aint bad.
  7. wow what a dead crowd at that little convention. Seems like a funeral. Not much to be excited about if you are still one of the hangers on in this party. Must be the smallest venue I have ever seen at a major party convention. At least they kept Bush out of the place.
  8. FOX Misrepresent someone's words? nooooo. Really??? They usually just make stuff up, so I am surprised.
  9. I say screw him. He's selfish and puts himself before the team. The Bills nation will turn on him if he doesn't het his ass in here.
  10. Your scars are older than 80 years old? wow. You must be as old old old. Everything is a special interest.
  11. You have got to be kidding. That's it. I am outta here. What a bunch of Republican lemmings and morons. If you are just a little kid, then I apologize. That would explain a lot.
  12. I agree with everything you said. Thanks. Especially "Fire Hi Agent Part"!
  13. Make decisions that benefit the American people, that reflect what the American people want, instead of putting special interest first and ignoring our needs. Which I believe is what this Admin has done loyaly for eight years. That is what I meant.
  14. We need this guy and the Bills are being stubborn. Pick up the phone!
  15. Crusade? What crusade? My feelings hurt? Who said that?
  16. You say a lot but nothing to back it up. Why don't you provide specific examples to support your statements. A Product of the most corrupt city? So ANYONE from Chicago is corrupt? Guilty by association? Is that your argument? His speeches are "Glib"? I disagree. I think they are inspiring and uplifting. He has more substance in what he will do than McCain has in his speeches. What skeletons are you referring to? How about Mc Cain? An adulterer.
  17. Again, on this thread, insulting me because I have a different opinion. My first post and I get insulted, called names. Wow, is this just the GOP way or are you guys just a few bad apples?
  18. No. I would eliminate the pandering part.
  19. Is that what this board is all about? Insulting others who have a different opinion?
  20. I think the opposite. McCain's pick is insulting to women. Obvious pandering. He will lose voters who see it for what it is. When will the GOP get it. People are sick of their divisive tactics and pure politics vs. actually making decisions for the people. She has less than 24 months experience in a baron land called alaska. Poor judgment on his part. Independents want the backwards thinking of the GOP to change and Palin is another example of the old Guns, Babies and Oil crap of old. We need to move ahead before the global economy and innovative new technologies leaves us in the dust for good while we continue to live in the past.
  21. I am new here. Hello everyone. Here is my thought... Pandering and desperation. Mc Cain picks a woman with less than 24 months experience, who just gave birth. This is a wise decision and good judgement? Can you imagine her as the leader of the free world? I question her judgment as well. She has a 4 month old baby with serious disability and she has no problem abandoning it to go campaign around the country? wow. Summary - poor judgment on both parts and pandering to woman who will ultimately be insulted by it. This will be the start of Mc Cain downfall and the Right will need to spread more fear and false ads to compete.
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