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  1. This whole thing is crazy. If you or I broke a contract, someone would come after us. Why is it that athletes continue to get away with this? If Peters isn't there a week before opening day, the Bills should really play hardball. Doing nothing, is not playing hardball. I am not a lawyer, but here's my plan: You contact Parker and let him know that its clear that Jason is really important to the Bills, and that it's time sit down to negotiate. The meeting at Rich Stadium would go something like this: Bills: "How much are you paid"? Peters (Parker): "$3.25 million a year" Bills: "What do you think you are worth"? Peters: "$7.25 million" Bills: "Can you substantiate it"? Peters: (presents a long litany referencing other players contracts, the importance of position to game and to the team, probowl honors, the usual arguments of greedy agents, etc) Bills: "Jason, we agree with you". Peters: "You do"? Bills: "Yes. You are absolutely right. You have convinced us. We agree you are worth $7.25 million dollars a year. You are, however, contract with us to play football for $3.25 million a year. If you are not in back to practice tommorrow, not only will you not be paid, but we will sue you and your agent for breach of contract and the lost value to the team at a rate of the $4 million dollars a year you are costing us". Peters: "Mr. Parker, you're fired".
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