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Everything posted by big_mac

  1. Totally agree. Of course, 'right now', Otto Graham is dead, so pretty much anyone with a pulse is better than him 'right now'.
  2. Allright, 25 yr bills fan and lurker making my first post here. While I agree that there are still plenty of things this team could do better (more consistent running and 2nd receiver play among them), I don't think you can just say that the offense only scored 13 points so its not good enough. 1) take away the trick field goal and the offense still would have most likely gotten 3 out of it. 2) ST did put the offense in position for the second TD, but the offense did actually score it on a nice 30 yd pass, I guess they get no credit for that 3) Game was over after 3 quarters, Bills could've scored more but stopped trying 4) Rain made everything difficult in the first half (though that can't be used as an excuse, got to play the game in the weather thats there) So while calling this game the most impressive offensive performance ever would be dishonest, calling it a shiny t u r d is similarly dishonest. There was no reason to run up the score to prove to anyone the offense was capable. Do we know if this offense will score 25+ consistently, no, but at the same time we don't know that they wont. I think it was a solid outing, especially given the weather, and will hold judgment on the offense until they've got a few games under their belts.
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