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Posts posted by TimGraham

  1. Tim what kind of chances do you give Marty Schottenheimer or his son Brian, in having some affiliation with the franchise?


    I don't set out to waffle here, but I think I'm going to have to. I'm not entirely sure, and I think we need to see how things shake out with the Jets' season. Brian Schottenheimer is under contract through 2010.

  2. Hey Tim,


    Now that it looks like there won't be job openings in Carolina, Houston, Chicago or Dallas, any chance Cowher will reconsider? Or even talk to the Bills? There doesn't seem to be any great opportunities out there.


    Edit: Based on this Chris Brown post, saying that Cowher is taking the same position with the Bucs as he took with the Bills, is there any reason to think the Bills are out of the running?


    There are several reasons to think the Bills are out of the running. Not to be flip, but they're the Bills and not all that attractive.


    Plus, if Cowher was in play, we'd know about it. So much of what the Bills are doing has gotten out, and Cowher is a guy they'd love to be linked to for PR purposes.

  3. I would not mind Ron Jaworski as GM as long as they hired a strong experienced football front office person as President like Ron Wolfe. There are a lot of people in business with experience who do not want to put in the hours required anymore )as I have heard regarding Ron Wolfe) so this would give Jaworski some additional front office experience when necessary.


    I doubt it would happen though since Ralph took a chance going outside organization with Donahue and it blew up in his face.


    I speak with Ron Wolf on occasion and the guy couldn't be more retired. I ask him questions about what's going on in the league, and he doesn't know half the players anymore -- and he readily admits it. He doesn't even watch the game aside from visiting his buddy Bill Parcells for a Dolphins game once a season. Wolf is a huge military buff and spends his time reading war books and visiting battlefields. You don't want Ron Wolf to take over the Bills.

  4. Tim, lots of people have been saying that with Freddy passing Marshawn, the Bills should be looking to dump Lynch for some draft picks.


    I think they should stick with the committee approach, but are you hearing any rumblings about the Bills looking to unload Lynch?


    I haven't heard anything about that specifically, but there were some whispers I never was able to confirm in the fall. Good running backs aren't that tough to find. Just take a look at Fred Jackson ... or Cedric Benson ... The Jets drafted the Doak Walker Award winner in the third round. The AFC East has two backs over 30 who've rushed for 1,000 yards this year.


    The problem is, that makes it tough to get any value in a trade. Teams will go find their own solution rather than give up significant assets for somebody else's castoff.


    People on this board know how much of a fan I was of Lynch's running style. Heading into the year, I thought he was the best back in the division. But I don't think Bills fans should be bothered to see him go. Not at all.

  5. Tim,


    I was listening to the Tony Kornheiser Radio Program from Dec 23rd and he had Ron Jaworski on. Mr. Tony mentioned that Jaws always wanted to be a GM. Mr. Tony has mentioned this before. How crazy would it be that local boy Ron Jaworski comes back to Buffalo as a the GM? I do not think anyone else watches more film on every team in the NFL than he. I think he is a great talent evaluator and knows what schemes work in the NFL today. It would create some local buzz for the Bills ala last years TO signing appeasing the fan base (more importantly put paying fannies in the seats) but then make a splash nationally as Jaws works for ESPN. The only reservation is that Matt Millen kind of messed up the from the booth to the front office path but I Billieve that Jaws can get the job done.


    The broadcast booth to management has happened quite a bit in recent years. You mentioned Matt Millen. In baseball there was Bob Brenly, Buck Martinez and Larry Dierker.


    Would it be crazy? Probably, given how much Bills realize that establishing institutional credibility is important right now. Going for a broadcaster with no front-office experience would be more outside the box than the Bills would go, but I do like your idea.

  6. Tim,

    I think you were a little hard on Brohm in your article yesterday. Yes he looked pedestrian against the Falcons. Yet he also had stretches 1 drive in particular. Especially considering he was making his first ever NFL start. He didn't get first team reps till wednsday,and he's playing behind one of the worst lines in the NFL. All in all I consider a pedestrian performmance overacheiving,especiallly considering the run game contributed absolutely nothing yesterday.


    I wrote that Brohm's debut was "forgettable." I don't think there's any reason to start a scrapbook over what we saw Sunday.


    Forgettable doesn't mean good or bad. It just was. And I don't think we'll be looking back it with any fondness or regret.

  7. Tim,

    I'm still a little confused. Did the Bills ever reach out to Mike Holmgren or not? If the Bills did reach out to Holmgren what makes the Browns job that much more attractive?


    I've been told the Bills did approach Holmgren.


    The Browns have an owner that desperately wants to win, will spend money, is willing to give up total control and isn't afraid to pull the trigger on something dramatic. And the Browns have a more attractive QB situation.

  8. Tim,


    Now that it looks like Mike Shanahan will go to Washington, is there any truth to the rumor about John Fox coming here and bringing Charlie Weiss with him?


    There can't possibly be any truth to it.


    John Fox is employed by another NFL team. You can't plan to hire a guy who might not be available, and even if the Bills were foolish enough to do so, it would be tampering.

  9. Hey Tim,


    As a follow up to your post today, do you believe the Bills organization is looking for a "justification" to stick with Fewell, and all the stuff about spending up to $10 million a year was just bluster? And if so, do you think the whole crew (Brandon, Guy, Modrak) stick around if the Bills win Sunday?


    I really believe the Bills are closer to a blank slate than they've ever been. It's hard to speculate until they foreshadow their first move. They whole thing could get blown up.

  10. Have fun in New Orleans! ;)


    The last time I ate that much great food in 72 hours was about 15 years ago ... the last time I was in New Orleans. Wow. Commander's Palace, Acme Oyster House, Deanie's ... great hole-in-the-wall bar called The Jimani with sensational poboys.


    Scarfing down a soft pretzel at the Atlanta airport yesterday was a huge comedown.

  11. Hey Tim! Good luck with your move and hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. All the best to you and yours.


    Thanks much. It was a good peace-of-mind Thanksgiving because we're in the house finally. But still a lot of chaos. Too many boxes and still don't have a phone yet. But we're getting by. Thanks for the warm wishes. Hope everybody enjoyed a great stat to their holiday seasons.

  12. Tim, Schefter said that 10 million was not close to the Bills offer. What are you hearing about what they are offering? Did they go above that or did they low ball him?


    I haven't heard, but monitor Schefter on this one. He and Shanahan have a close relationship from collaborating on a book together and Schefter's days as the Broncos' beat writer.

  13. Why do they keep posting your picture on articles you didn't write? They're not claiming you wrote it, but it seems like the purpose is to make people think it was written by you and is a part of your AFC East blog.


    No, the purpose is to get you to click on the link. Without a photo, nobody would notice. I'd prefer Taylor Swift.

  14. Well, it worked out well for JJ. Two straight SBs, including the best team of all time in 1993, IMO.


    The 3-4 is just the current fad, like when everyone was switching to the 4-3 about 10 years ago. The Bill's problem is that they don't have a dominating DL.


    I don't mean how the 4-3 is working out. I meant the way the Bills are doing it.

  15. Tim, what is your take on Hamden being unceremoniously dumped? I always thought that he showed potential during his few preseason opportunities of the past. He certainly has the ideal size and strength for a QB. What gives? Why have the Bills just given up on him?


    Hamdan was not a project and didn't have any upside. He will be 29 in February. He's a journeyman backup.


    As I wrote for the blog, the Bills were missing a young prospect on their depth chart. With Edwards, Fitzpatrick and Hamdan, you pretty much know what they're capable of.




    Hamdan is a good dude. Classy and intelligent. He has a future in broadcasting. I think he can be great behind the mic. But I think the main reason the Bills kept him around was because he and Edwards are tight.

  16. Tim,


    Something I would think might be an interesting indicator of things to come might be the practices. I'm a firm believer in the "practice the way you play" philosophy. Under Jauron this season (perhaps its been each season and I didn't pay attention until this year), it seems we haven't had a single week where all the starters practiced together for the entire week. That is to say, each of Chris Brown's practice updates lists players not participating in practice, and many times its seems Jauron was just giving the guys a day off because they weren't listed as injured.


    So, my thought is... this week and/or next week, does Fewell have everyone practicing? Do some of the players get a day off to stand around and "rest"? What's the demeanor at practice? Is it more "spirited" or does it seem "business as usual"?


    I'm sure everyone will be looking at the play on Sunday as some indication of how the team is responding to the HC change. But, it may be interesting to get some insight based on their practice habits.


    I'm not sure you're able to view the practices, but maybe you're in the know enough to get a handle on this. Perhaps I'm barking up a dead tree, as well. Either way, thought it was worth asking/posing.




    I recall Terrell Owens' comments from a few weeks ago where he said Buffalo is a perfect place for a veteran to play because of all the low-impact practices and time off. I think that's one of the big reasons why Jauron was so liked by his players. He didn't ride them to be prepared. He trusted them to be professional enough and motivated enough to take care of themselves in many ways.

  17. Tim,


    I hope the Bills aim higher than the other candidates Sheft mentioned in his posting. Have you heard of anyone else? BTW, nice post on Edwards demotion.




    Shanahan is higher than I thought they would shoot. Color me impressed already. But my expectations were pretty low.


    Glad you liked the Edwards-Fitzpatrick post. Lotsa news at One Bills Drive these days.

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