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Posts posted by TimGraham

  1. Hey, hope you had a good weekend.


    Were you at the fieldhouse today? We've heard about the renovations to the weight room, and our man Whitner tweeted about losing his breakfast. With that in mind, I'm wondering how Gailey's workouts compare to what we've mocked for several years as "Camp Jauron."


    I didn't get out to Orchard Park today, but based on everything I've heard, there won't be much coddling. Everywhere he has been, Gailey has been known more as a disciplinarian than a pushover.

  2. Approximately a bit better than a one-third chance...thanks for weighing in even though it's a losing proposition in either case. Have a great weekend, Tim. We're just so happy that you participate. Personally hoping against McNabb...but that depends on the terms, of course. Late bro.


    Any trade would require winning over McNabb in some way. There's no point in making the deal if he's going to refuse to sign an extension.

  3. Tim,


    Thanks again for doing what you do here. We love it.


    The league meetings open today. What kind of wheeling and dealing can we expect? The rumor mill must be churning. I'm sure a lot of the focus wil be on Brandon Marshall and the Eagles' trio at QB. What have you heard so far? The Bills still have a lot of holes to fill.


    Any feedback would be much appreciated.


    Thanks in advance.


    The owners' meetings don't create the kind of action like baseball's winter meetings, but you never know. Talk could intensify on certain players, and Brandon Marshall would be a good candidate. Almost all of the owners, GMs and coaches are here, so anything is bound to happen. As for the Bills, Buddy Nix just checked in about an hour ago. I don't know how much wheeling and dealing he'll be doing anyway, but he hasn't had time to do any today.

  4. Hey Tim,


    I'll ask this in the chat later today, but in case it doesn't get answered ... I was wondering if you have any insight into how much longer Bill Belichick planned on coaching. I realize he will never be fired by Kraft, but is there any thought that he might want to take a break and step back from the demands of coaching in the NFL for a while? Is there any possibility that his tenure will end with Brady's? He's entering his 11th season in the same place, which I think gives him the second-longest stay (after Fisher) in one place.


    No chat today, so good thing you got me here.


    I don't have any insight on how much longer he wants to coach, but it's his life. Belichick doesn't let much get in the way of his coaching. He has established a program that almost runs itself. It's easy to see why guys like Paterno and Bowden don't want to give it up. The blueprint is in place. Now you just follow it every year.

  5. I watched Channel 2 last night. Yes, Ed was on, but unless I was distracted by the unicorn prancing in my front yard, I didn't hear him utter the words "Joey Porter."


    I was working while I had it on, so it's possible I could have missed it, but my ears are trained to pick up certain names, and Porter's is one of them. Plus, I didn't have any trouble recognizing Kilgore say that he's hearing Tim Tebow will be in Buffalo on Monday.

  6. I just wanted to come on and clarify since the information the reporter used to report Edwards failed two physicals comes from what I wrote yesterday (his story includes information and quotes from a one-on-one interview I had with Edwards).




    This is semantics, but I don't think Edwards failed two physicals. That's not what I wrote. The way he explained it to me, and it makes perfect sense, is that the Seahawks and Broncos weren't willing to invest that kind of money unless they were completely sure. I believe it came down to a question of investment as much as a medical opinion.

  7. Um how about Drew brees this year? Elway, Marino and others never had 'great' OL's they just got rid of the ball fast which was due to great decision making.


    Your whole angle that people who post on message boards are just as qualified as Andre Reed was bad enough, but this?


    Marino played behind Richmond Webb, Keith Sims and Dwight Stephenson -- all Pro Bowlers and one Hall of Famer. Webb probably will get in eventually. Roy Foster and Ed Newman also went to Pro Bowls in Marino's early years.


    Elway had Gary Zimmerman at left tackle. He's in the Hall of Fame. Mark Schlereth and Tom Nalen weren't too shabby.


    The New Orleans Saints have one of the best two or three O-lines in football and won the inaugural Madden Most Valuable Protectors Award for best O-line. The Saints had three Pro Bowlers this year.

  8. Tim,


    I asked earlier in this thread, but, can you offer any insight as to how our former GM, Tom Donohoe is regarded in NFL circles?

    I heard from someone I know, who works at 1 Bills Drive, that Donohoe offered his services to Ralph Wilson, to help him in selecting a new GM, before Buddy Nix was hired. I am assuming Mr Wilson did not take him up on the offer. However, in the Mark Gaughan article about Doug Whaley, from yesterdays Buffalo News, he mentions Tom Donohoe as one of the influences on his career, from their time together in Pittsburgh. Do you know, if Donohoe had any hand in Whaley getting hired in Buffalo?




    Donahoe has a highly respected football mind, but he's a micro-manager that wears thin on those around him.

  9. Tim, Is there a possibility that Eric Woods is not going to be ready to play early in the season? And what is the injury status of Demetrius Bell who had a knee procedure done in the offseason? In your opinion is Incognito going to be retained? Overall, with the retirement of Butler our OL is in a shambles.


    We've gotten encouraging reports through the Bills that suggest Wood will be able to play in 2010. Not sure about Bell. The reports are more vague on him right now.


    I think Incognito will be brought back. He's a restricted free agent.

  10. Tim,


    Raffi Torrres was a solid pick up at the deadline, especially given that fact that after everything was said a done, it was basically MacArthur & Paetsch for Torres.


    I still think they should have made one more move, such as an offensive d-man, to really make a run this year. They have the hottest and most popular goalie in the league right now. This would have been a prime year to expand the fan base and make the Sabres somewhat relevant outside of Buffalo. Thoughts?


    There's that "relevant" word again that got thrown around when Terrell Owens signed.


    Relevant does nothing for me. Winning is what's important.


    That said, I disagree with you that a trade would have made a difference in terms of relevancy because what Ryan Miller did at the Olympics will resonate in the hockey community more than any trade Darcy Regier could've made today. The reality is, Buffalo is an overlooked market in an overlooked sport.


    I agree with you about the Torres trade. It was solid and makes the team better. I actually liked the MacArthur trade more. But these were tweak moves, not the kind that will make a substantial difference in the postseason. That's my forecast, anyway.

  11. Tim,


    As for the needs of the Bills going into the draft, most people think that the top 3 positions the Bills need to address are:


    1) OT

    2) QB

    3) NT

    4) Linebacker


    However, I think a big need will be WR given that the only veteran WRs on the roster are Evans and Parrish. And Parrish has been woefully inadequate as a WR. Hardy and S. Johnson seem to have talent, but they have had minimal playing time in their first 2 years.


    Do you see the Bills filling their holes at WR via draft or FA? Or instead do you see the Bills letting the inexperienced guys take the reigns?


    I see it this way ...


    1) OT

    2) NT

    3) QB

    4) OLB


    I think the Bills aren't in bad shape at receiver. Not great, but passable (pun intended). With so many glaring needs elsewhere, some areas are going to have to suffer. I think they need to concentrate on too many other areas to waste more cash at receiver.

  12. Tim


    Thanks for sticking around. Any impression or feeling from the team if Hardy can be a productive player? He seems to have a brain, does he have the heart?


    I confess ignorance on Hardy. I haven't seen enough to render an opinion, and personnel people I trust don't seem to know either.

  13. Hey Tim,


    Do teams ever consider what next year's class of prospects look like in planning their strategy for this draft, or is that too distant and uncertain? Specifically, would the Bills consider Locker, Mallett, Luck, etc., when considering drafting Jimmy Clausen?


    I don't think they would consider individual players, but they would take into account the strength of a given position. Its too difficult to project what draft slot your team will be in and whether a particular player will rise or fall or underclassmen declare (or not). But you can get a sense of how deep a position will be.

  14. So, Tim ... with Wawrow and Bucky Gleason both in Vancouver, the question comes to mind: is covering the Olympics on your to-do list? And if so, Summer or Winter?


    I would love to cover the Summer Games, particularly track and field. I think it would be cool to cover something in the stadium.

  15. Hey Tim


    I was just curious as to your opinion on the possibility of getting Donovan McNabb in a Bills uni. Many people on this board dont even feel hes worth a 2nd round pick. I know there is rumblings he doesnt want to come here, any truth to that? and do you think he would be a good fit for the Bills? If so what do you feel is a fair price for him?


    Thanks for your time doing this too!


    I've heard from educated people that a second-round pick would get it done. But the team sending the pick likely would need to find out if he would be interested in signing a long-term extension. If not, then he's not worth the price for rental.

  16. Hey Tim,


    Any insight on who the Bills might be targeting for the free agency period? With several needs and a new defensive scheme, the Bills seemed poised to land at least one or two good veteran players.


    I'm not convinced the Bills have a plan in place yet. As they mentioned last week, the staff got together for the first time on Wednesday.

  17. Tim,


    What can you tell us about Buffalo's QB plans? have we only looked at Vick and Mcnabb or have we considered mostly the draft? What about Thigpen or my personal favorite Seneca Wallace?


    Tyler Thigpen is under contract to the Dolphins, who liked him enough to trade for him last year. NFL trades are rare to begin with. Trades within the division happen less frequently than that. Thigpen probably will be Miami's primary backup in 2010. He won't be available. I haven't heard anything about the Bills and Wallace.

  18. This is essentially my viewpoint as well. Were the Buffalo Bills to move him, what would you project his value to be in terms of a draft pick at this point?


    I disagree with Bob Matthews' speculation he's worth a late second rounder. Here are some running backs drafted in the third round or later the past couple years: Shonn Greene, Steve Slaton, Kevin Smith, Jamaal Charles, Tashard Choice, Tim Hightower and Le'Ron McClain.


    I guess it only takes one team to overvalue Lynch, but you can get a solid starting running back in the third round, pay him less and not have the baggage to worry about. Keep in mind that when a team considers trading for Lynch, they must factor in that he's only one more misstep away from a looooooong suspension. Giving up a precious asset like a second-rounder would be incredibly risky. A third-rounder would be too pricey for me.

  19. Hey Tim,



    Is this assistant GM a good hire for the Bills? What are your thoughts on him?




    Thank for all that you do here :beer:


    I've never dealt with him personally. So I know of him only what I've been told by people I trust. He seems to have a bright future and has an eye for talent. In the role of assistant GM, I like the hire. If he proves himself, then given him the keys when Nix steps down.

  20. Tim-


    First off, thanks for doing this. We here at TBD really appreciate the time that you spend here chatting with us. Couple of quick questions.


    1. I was always a big fan of Tyler Thigpen and hoped that Buf would have landed him last year, but it was not to be. Do you think there is any chance of the Bills going after him now that CG is our HC?


    2. Have you heard any rumblings regarding Shobel's future with the team. If he parts ways and rides off into the sunset, do we go after Peppers (assuming our D switches to a 3-4)?


    3. With an uncapped year coming up, any chance that Ralph splurges and goes all out in an attempt to get to the SB?


    Thanks again!


    1. I don't think that's going to happen. The Dolphins like him, and even if they didn't, trades are rare, inner-division trades rarer yet.


    2. Not hearing any whispers about Schobel beyond what we already have read.


    3. I give that a 0.08 percent chance of happening.

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