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Posts posted by jeanbe

  1. Same thing just happened to a friend of mine. Her knee surgery became infected and they did a second surgery.


    Lots of antibotics too. But because of the infection a lot of scar tissue formed and they had to put her under again to break that up. No surgery for that but they have to keep working the knee.

  2. I can't believe that this has to be explained to some people, but here it goes...

    When McCain said it, it WAS just a figure of speech.

    When Barry said it, he was clearly and intentionally referencing Palin's hockey mom joke from the RNC. Essentially calling her a pig. Game Over BARACK!


    Obviously you only heard the sound bite or that commercial. Listen to it in context.

  3. I know allot of you guys just love the idea of bringing our oppenents into Buffalo when the wind is blowing ,the snow is flying, its about 20 bellow wind chill factor and for the most part everyhing is frozen, I mean everything :huh:


    But don't we suffer just as badly as they do, I mean think about it this is our house. Do you turn the heat off in your house? I don't, I like it warm, I play better when its warm, its nice to be warm in our house.



    Now picture TE with mittens on :huh:



    We need a Dome :pirate:



    I agree. Remember our ass kicking of the Raiders at that playoff game? SNOW!!!! If there was a dome it would take away our home field. Minnesota hasn't been the same since their dome.

  4. :pirate::huh::huh:


    The Republicans controlled the House and Senate in 1993?


    My mistake. I was thinking it was 94.



    However, being born in a border state (Buffalo, NY) I was upset about it. What I've always said and the reason I didn't support Senator Clinton, is that Bill was the best Republican President ever. :)

  5. You can thank Wild Bill Clinton for the job out source, remember nafta. I fall under $250,000 and still have been getting tons of tax breaks FOR THE LAST 8 YEARS. And of coures Dems will raise taxes always have, always will. Jobs are available for anyone who wants one. Its just that the fat lazy version of America wants to start at the top. Like judge smails said " the world needs ditch diggers to".


    Really? Cool for you. Can you list your tax breaks for me?


    Also remember....a Republican control House and Senate passed NAFTA and Clinton didn't have a veto majority in either house.

  6. That was the final nail in Barry Hussein's bid for the White House. The free fall has begun. What a complete low-life scumbag comment from a waste of skin devoid of character. Keep flapping your lips Barack so the world can see what a classless piece of s41t you really are.



    If you go with that "logic" then McCain called Clinton a pig in reference to her health care program.


    But that's okay, keep voting against your interests. McCain has voted with Bush 90% of the time. Our jobs have moved overseas and remember what McCain told people in Michigan, they aren't coming back. So I guess no plans to create new American jobs.


    McCain's health care plan will give a tax credit for those without to buy insurance but then tax the company paid (pre-tax) health benefits we now receive. He will raise taxes.


    Obama will raise taxes again on the top 1% which never managed to trickle down in the past 8 years. But those making under $250,000 a year will get a tax break. I'm pretty sure most of us here fall in that category.


    All you need to do is you hear something on the corporate media is to research it on your own.


    One good site, that is non-partisan, is factcheck.org.

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