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Posts posted by theNose76

  1. Houston over Buffalo: Why? Because the Run and Shoot is unstoppable in Rich Stadium in January, and if Jerry Glanville is known for one thing, its tactical prowess in the playoffs. Buffalo starts some backup QB and is dead in the water. Houston 35 Bills 3.

    Great reference, just have to correct that Houston's coach was Jack Pardee at the time (watched this game on DVD last month). A few other notables from the Oilers were OC Kevin Killdrive, young MLB Eddie Robinson, and CB Jerry Gray. IIRC the DC, forgot who it was but don't think it was Buddy Ryan, was fired the next day.



    Chiefs +7 - but Indy will win because of KC's lack of explosiveness

    Cowboys +3 - as badly as Romo and co. are playing Seattle is absolutely decimated

    Jets +8.5 - Pats win, Jets score a TD at the end to come within 7

    Eagles -6.5 - Giants are just horrible, sure the Eagles D has spent all week watching tape of Tiki's game on Saturday, so they should limit him, keep in mind how terrible Eli was last year in the playoffs at home, now he needs to go into the Linc, no way

  2. Hope I don't get strung up for this, but I love Troy Aikman as an analyst. I think he's got it all as a color guy - smooth, even talking voice, a lot of knowledge (about the entire game, not just qbs), good timing, and doesn't talk too much. Unfortunately hes on Fox w/ Joe Buck who I think is not very good at all. Aikman's the best in the biz, and that's really tough to say considering what he did to us on the field.

  3. Pretty much agree with the sentiment above - and I thought Campbell had an outstanding game, logged 30+ mins, and I just saw on the box score that he was given 1st star. Definitely agree with that. Unfortunately I don't think he was on the ice for the last goal - don't remember the defensive pairing out there.

  4. I like his comment on how the Ducks are balanced in scoring, well the Sabres have 3 guys with 10+ goals, 6 with 10+ assists, and a full FIVE guys ahead of Selanne, who is the leader of the Ducks "balanced" attack. How is having ONE guy in the top 40 more balanced than FIVE??


    Let alone the 7 players in the top 25 in plus/minus? That's balanced all-around team play right there.


    And "let's not hold it against the Ducks for being healthy" but the let's hold it against the Sabres for "not playing any top defensive teams". Nice double talk.

  5. :w00t:  :huh:  B-)


    I'm laughing my asss off just thinking about these damn scenes....


    I think the Pamela scene was the only one where it was a bit scripted. I agree that she didn't seem like she was in on it, but I can't help but think the chances that someone would be able to get close enough to put a fuggin LOVE SACK over her (LMFAO) are slim and none....she had to have been tipped off and in on it to some degree. But hell, who the fug knows?? lol


    I was laughing pretty consistently through the whole first series of hometown scenes....I don't know why it hit me like it did, but I thought it was genius how he was describing the various things in his house, and then DOENS'T EVEN MENTION the damn cow in the corner!! You just see it as the shot pans right to follow him back outside. That is SMART filmmaking, IMO.


    The part where he thought the guy at dinner was exposing himself as a retard.....omg.....LMFAO!!! 


    I also laughed hard when he met with Bob Barr and gave him the cheese....I couldn't believe Barr just bit right into it like it was nothing! I know you don't want to offend someone you think is a legit foreign journalist, but still!  When Borat hit him with the "from my wife's tit" line, the expression on his face was priceless.


    I was really fearful that the hype would ruin the film for me, but turns out there was no risk of that happening at all. You just can't say or describe anything about this thing that would ruin it for someone else....you just have to see him pull it off.


    by the way, I don't know if you guys had the trailer for Reno 911 prior to the film, but that looks like some funny sheeaat too. I've never seen an episode of the series on comedy central, but I've heard lots of great things about it.


    God bless comedy!!!


    Speaking of "911" that joke in the beginning about not flying was one that few people in the theater got, but my roommate, who is Jewish, and I were literally grabbing each other and laughing horrendously when he said what he said.


    The nudity scene was completely unexpected - I heard Cohen was nude in the movie but I figured he was just walking around or something, real quick, not a 3 minute "fight" scene with a fat naked man with man breasts and hairy ballsack in Cohen's face for at least 30 seconds! Add to that the running through the hotel, into the elevator, into the convention. Oh man. I had solid tears in my eyes throughout that whole scene. I can't wait to watch it on DVD so I can actually hear what goes on during that scene, it was too loud in the theater to actually hear anything. One of the funniest scenes in a movie I have ever seen!

  6. Da heck ya waitin' for?


    Just got home, saw the 9:40 show on the west coast. And yes, "the scene" was UNBELIEVABLY FUNNY and horribly disgusting all at once. I am laughing just typing this! I liked that and the dinner party scene the best. "Mental or physical?"

  7. Duh - obviously this movie will have no appeal in "Middle America" but alot in "Big Cities". Last I checked, big cities = lots of people, middle America (to quote Borat) - not so much. Few people that live in those areas would "get" it, and I'm sure many would be grossly offended. Their loss!


    And the writer obviously has not seen Da Ali G Show, otherwise he/she would know that Borat is one of the three characters on it. The writing makes it seem like Borat was created only for this movie. But of course I may be reading too much into it since I'm eagerly anticipating seeing it myself!

  8. Just re-watched season 2 on DVD...it's crazy the lengths he goes to make people believe it's real.  With Borat, he said he wears the same suit and hasn't washed it for years so it reeks of BO.  Also the pad he carries around, he actually writes on it but he writes in hebrew (I believe) to make it look legit to the average person.  Plus, he said that his filming schedule (at least for the TV show) depended on the growth of his hair.  Once he did Bruno, he would have to wait for his hair and mustache to grow back in before he would do Borat and Ali G.


    He's a genius, but like I mentioned in another thread, this movie will be bittersweet because it will probably be the end of Borat.  He won't be able to get his schtick over on just anyone anymore.  So hopefully it is a great movie, which I can't believe it won't be.


    I saw some interviews w/ the actual Sacha Baron Cohen - not in character - and he said it takes him 6 weeks to grow the moustache for Borat. I hadn't heard that he wears the same suit and doesn't wash it though, that's awesome.

  9. OK. I am NOT a homer with blaming the refs for stuff. I never have been. But the Ref-Patriot connection NEEDS TO STOP.


    The NFL needs to stop this. Its wrong.


    They made the right call, Belichick yelled and they overturn the right call.


    Was just about to post about that play that just happened - actually they seemed to call it incomplete the whole way, although they may have been discussing if it was a catch and then Belichik barked at them and they ruled incomplete. Then the ref looks at it for 2 mins, sees Wiggins catch, take THREE steps (not just 2, or a "football move"), and still rules it incomplete. Borderline hilarious.

  10. Eh #2


    Technically, the 3 shootout wins, in the old rule system, would've been ties. Apparently the Leafs in '93 won 9 games in regulation and one in OT I belive. That's what he's alluding to. Either way, this team is amazing.

  11. Just saw The Departed, thought it was great. Very much a Scorsese like-film, although not as blood soaked as say GoodFellas or Casino. Overall I thought very good film, great acting of course, Damon and DiCaprio are actually convincing as tough, mean guys. And Alec Baldwin provides great comic relief, believe it or not. Highly recommend the film. The theatre was nearly full, too.

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