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Glass To The Arson

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Everything posted by Glass To The Arson

  1. Am I crazy? Last year... Steve Johnson was making some plays. He was catching diving slants from JP Losman. In college - He was jumping at the highest point for the ball. He's got dreads. He's 6 foot 2. He's about the same speed. Same as Fitz. He looked promising as a rookie. I say give the dude a chance. Reed will be in the slot. Hardy and Parrish will be our 4th and 5th. A new TE and new Center through the draft/FA. The offense just might be looking good in 2009
  2. How is Buffalo miserable? Same with Chicago and Miami? I think all 3 cities are cool cities
  3. I work for an internet company and yes it is they should have secured it...
  4. We are the anonymous We do not forgive We do not forget
  5. Naw... awhile ago but I'm reading about it at work and it gets F'ed up the more I read about it lol Am I caught in the trap?! ahhhhh
  6. is this stuff whacko or what? Talk about a scam! :censored: :censored:
  7. I'm on a diet but I really want some of those fries jesus christ im going there tonight
  8. First... name your favorite 3 places in Buffalo and then name 3 places you want to go. Then...write 3 things you think about others "want to go" places FAVORITES 1. The Chocolate Bar 2. The Pink 3. The Brick Bar WANT TO GO 1. Bayou 2. Sub Zero 3. Luna
  9. Now I want some DUFFS best wings I've ever had in my life
  10. What would be different in B-lo? I think Buffalo would be a hot spot in the US sorry for the waste of space but god...todays its 45 degrees out!
  11. this will happen and there will probably be bands playing and crap
  12. Well... I figured if the Bills won the superbowl anything is possible so why not travel to mars
  13. Heres what I was planning on doing... As soon as the clock hits 0:00 in the 4th... I will strangle the next person next to me with a Billieve towel as I shove anchor bar chicken wings down the bartenders throat I will eventually make my way into HSBC where I will tip over a car onto Numminens head Then I will stroll past the main place mall...buy a bills flag...and spear some people in club marcellas after that...city hall will turn into a spaceship, in which i will depart on, and travel to mars
  14. where would you riot after the game? I think I'd either be on Chippewa or clustering the streets on elmwood and allentown how about you?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnt8HURcO74 Good shittttttttttttttttttt
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