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John in Jax

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Posts posted by John in Jax

  1. 2 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    A small win for the Jaguars players.  They no longer have to show up four hours early for meetings.  No more three a days without water in full pads in August.  An hour and a half long Catholic Mass before games no longer mandated.  Hoover stew no longer the only selection at the dining hall.  Bring on the free agents.

    Oh yeah, I'm certain that the "old school" discipline was the reason Foles has played like crap this year. ?

  2. 43 minutes ago, HardyBoy said:


    I disagree...he seems like a total my way or the highway/all explanations are excuses kind of dude.


    McD and Beane are all about personal growth, which means continously looking at what happened and understanding why those things happened, which means diving into the explanations.

    Rules, schmules....who need'em! LOL  So I guess if you were a warden, you'd be in favor of the inmates running the prison?

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