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Lets be realistic shall we....


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Let me start off by stating I wanted Jauron fired after the Miame game and even more after the Cleveland game. Now lets say I have a cooler head and I am emotionallu numb. Jauron needs to play out the season the season is a loss and we might as well pay him to perform work then to watch tv or play golf or whatever it is that he does. He needs to earn his money this year which means weekly persecution from the press and homegame abuse from the fans. Lets face the facts Fewell sucks as a DC and is not going to be a head coach he can barely handle his duties as a cordinatior never mind giving him double duties or even more ridiculous is bringing in another staff to be let go at the end of the season.


Bobby April is not ready to be a head coach everyone can be estactic about the emotion he brings but when have you ever seen a coach go from special teams to HC the HC always goes to the Cordinators becuase the have to make gameplans how much of a game plan does a special teams coach have to make they use 8 formations and maybe one trick play a game. Sorry but that is not the type of experinece I want running this team. Granted he could handle the double duty but what if he fails as a interim head coach then he would be lost as our special teams coach as well.


Leave the staff the way it is this way the players "who love jauron" will fight thru the rest of the season DJ gets paid to work instead of getting paid to play and he will be gone at the end of the season becuase there is 2 possible wins left on this schedule based on the talent of our team.


TO must be traded after our loss to the Jets keeping him is a diservice to himself and the growth of this team. He will not be here next year and after the loss to the Jets we will be 0-3 in division and 0-4 in the afc might be mathmatically alive but tie breaker dead and after losing 11 straight in the divison that should sum it up for you.


I dont like reading people wanting to trade a 23yr old truck. Yes he had a couple of infractions they are nothing compared to bad seeds on other teams. This kid has the motivation and skill I dont beleive he would do anyhing else in the future to jeopardize his career I think he got his wake up call. You need two good running backs in this leaugue and we have them why ruin it.


If you look at it this team is ready for a coaching change. Nobody on the line makes over 2 mil year and could be easily replaced next season if they are deemed so at the end of the season. No Qb makes over 2 mil a year and can easily be replaced next season as well. Kelsay will be in the final season of his contract and easy to move or release to save money. Parrish will also be in his final season and will be gone. The whole secondary with the exception of MCgee and Witner are easily replaceable. Poz will be in the final season of his contract and could be moved to OLB his natural position if we can acquire or draft a goot solid MLB. This mess is going to be easier to fix then we realize.


As much as many would like a big name head coach I can agree it would be nice but its not necessary rookie coaches can do go jobs and I dont have to list all the current and previous coaches to make my point.


To me the major problem with this organizition is scheme. Nobody in the NFL world knows what are scheme is and niether do we so if we dont know our scheme how can we effectively draft for/ recruit free agents for/ or sign coaches to run it.

PIT/COLTS/NE are consitently succesful becuase the hire for scheme/ the draft for scheme/ they trade for scheme/ they sign for scheme.


This team needs to be a NE/PItt type of defense the defense we are is too soft for the teams we play.


We need to identify what type of offense we are and keep making adjustments to that dont go thru an overall to intill a new offense thats doesnt fit the staff. I know there are alot of JP haters out there but the offense JP was in was a fit for Edwards and the offense the Edwards is in was a perfect fit for JP also two completely different QBS that should tell you the dsyfunction of the scouting/drafting no scheme. The other thing I will point out is that noone at the QB position is brought in here correctly witht he exception of flutie and Bledsoe. We play 7 of 8 home games in buffalo 5 of those games will be played in strong swirly winds / snow and very cold weather. We need a QB who has a strong arm and who is capable of playing in the consditions mentioned and FITS the system we are running.


Just my two sense may not be worth much but I would rather see this team succed financially as well as succesfully.

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