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How bad does he want it?

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How bad does Ralph really want to win? Does he want it bad enough to fire Dick if we go 0-2 in division Sunday?

Why not Gruden, Holmgren, Shanahan, Shottenheimer, Cowher? Is it really money? If so you would think that the old man has enough of it and isn't getting any younger. He has made a ton of money off the fans in western new york, it's about time to give some back. Please hire a great coach and bring in a entirely new staff and management team if he REALLY wants to win.

I actually question if he wants to win now or just keep making the safe money. If he passes away soon there won't be such an outcry when his heirs sell the team off to Canada. If he hires a winning coach who makes the playoffs, it would be a considerably harder sell to send the team away, there would be too much pressure to keep the Bills here. So what is the incentive for him to go all-in and hire the best coach all his millions can buy if winning isn't top priority? I really have to questions his motives. And if he isn't 100% willing to do whatever it takes, what chance do we really have?

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