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Clock Management

Billy in 4C

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Do you remember the 2nd game last year against the Patriots in the brutal wind conditions at the Ralph when Belichick was strategically using timeouts to make the Bills kick into the wind, save the clock around the 2 minute warning?


There were the same opportunites on the table right before half for Jauron to take a timeout before the 2 minute warning, receive the kickoff and still run 1 play before the 2 minute warning and he didn't do it. Then with about a minute left proceeded to wait 15 seconds after they couldn't get straight to call another timeout.


Also there was an opportunity to call a timeout before the end of the 3rd quarter to take a timeout and make the Saints punt into the wind, which we didn't take.


The Bills have enough checkers to make sure this doesn't happen, and it happens year after year. It was still a 3 point game at this point and easily couldn't affected the outcome.


Thoughts? Am I missing others?

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