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Football Night in America


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The problem is with sports coverage in general being overcontrolled by business/marketing people. It used to be that NFL Primetime would show highlights from every game in almost equal length segments.


These days, everything is determined by ratings and focus groups. They know where the larger markets exist, and what topics interest them the most. So they cater to those markets with their highlights/analysis. This is nothing revolutionary and I can't blame these shows for doing it (they are after all a business).


But it certainly has alienated true football fans that care about every game's outcome, and the more intricate events from those games. And that applies to sports overall, the "business" of sports is becoming overwhelming. To paraphrase Gregg Easterbrook "There is no law that states the NFL must always remain extremely popular". It's only a matter of time before the backlash of actual football fans begins to hurt the NFL.

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