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Where the Real Problem is with the Bills


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It is really dismal reading about the Bills now a days and what they have done with the team over the past 10 years.


It is hard staying a fan. They even want to move the team to Toronto and yet we stay fans.... Wonder why sometimes.


They have made some good moves, but they Do Not keep up with the other clubs, talent wise, coaching wise and front office wise........ What a wonderful team to root for....... Strickly mediocre to say the best about them......


If they can win 3 games with this awful inexperienced offensive line it will be a wonder.


It will also be a wonder if Edwards does not get a season ending injury sometime during the season and we will all say he is injury prown.......lol


As I have said before, we are in for a long season... The big question will be, when does Jauron get fired ?


I say at the BYE........


And he should....... So should Wilson....... For not hiring a football man like Bill Cowher to head up the football operation of the Bills.....or someone like him A marketing man is ok to keep the franchise financially solvent...... But please bring in a man who can put a winner on the field...... Unfortunately it will not happen for it would cost Wilson too much money... He is still thinking way in the past as far as money is concerned even with him being a billionaire......


You would think he at 90 years of age would want to go out a winner.......he has been around a long time and he has to know what it will take to make the Bills a winning franchise... Is having a few more dollars in his pocket all that important to him?


Apparently so..... Other wise we would see or could have seen better decision making on his part....... It really all starts at the very top of any company or organization to make things better..... He has the money and security for life for him and his family.


What a better way to go out than to make the Bills a winner.......


I would love for him to bring in Bill Cowher to run the operation....or someone like him with proven ability.


Miami has done it with Bill Parcells and now Kansas City has brought in a new man to run the team in the front office.


As I said it all starts at the top........ But what can you expect from Mr. Wilson right now. He is too set in his ways to make positive changes in the teams front office.........


Looks like we are stuck once again with another really bad Bills team this year...... Not with the players so much as with the management of the team in the front office and coaches........ That is where the real problem lies with this team..... OUCH ... in my opinion

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