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No Respect from OTL


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On OTLs First Report today Bob Lee discussed teams who were in trouble of having games blacked out and having trouble selling season tickets. Jacksonville was thouroughly discussed but other teams mentioned were the Lions, Fins, and............... of course the BILLS. Did espn even do their research??? or do they just figure since our team has been so bad that we've had every game in the past 10 years blacked out??

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On OTLs First Report today Bob Lee discussed teams who were in trouble of having games blacked out and having trouble selling season tickets. Jacksonville was thouroughly discussed but other teams mentioned were the Lions, Fins, and............... of course the BILLS. Did espn even do their research??? or do they just figure since our team has been so bad that we've had every game in the past 10 years blacked out??


Ah yes, ESPN. Do they still cover the NFL?

I thought it was all NBA, all the time.

Does anyone notice the similarities between the change in MTV from the 80's to the present and the hip hop saturated decline of ESPN?


I'm sure ESPN will have it's share of trashy reality shows soon.


NFL network's football coverage is miles ahead in terms of quality and actual NFL coverage. I made the switch 2 years ago after ESPN stopped announcing the current pick in the draft because Berman kept rambling nicknames & cracking Eagles jokes. The band, not the team.

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