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So, why can't the Bills make the playoffs?

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You know guys, I blame the negativity on the media and an endless flow of useless information that has little impact on how the Buffalo Bills will play in 2009-10.

A Playoff team can develop a sense of invincibility that can overcome some of the biggest obstacles in their path.


Some teams just sneak up on the fans when they least expect it, and average players become NFL stars.


There is no perfect plan or roster that can assure a playoff spot, its a team that builds confidence and will not accept defeat or failure that will make it to the playoffs.


We can blame the low expectations on the loss of Jason Peters or a perceived inferior coaching staff, yet I doubt either will be a major factor this upcoming season. The players will dictate their own fate for 2009.


So I ask you, why can't the Bills make the playoffs?


I can tell you this, the Miami Dolphins were not on anybodies list for the playoffs in 2008.


1. Poor to average QB play.


2. Poor to average coaching/game day decisions.


3. Poor to average pass rush.


4. The rest of the AFC, including New England/Pittsburg/Indy/Tennessee/San Diego.



In addition, with 2 starting rookie O-linemen, an injury prone QB and a rough schedule, it dosn't bode well.



To overcome # 4, you'll need to overcome 2 of the first 3, which is likely to be trumped by # 2 in any case.

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