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Realistically eliminated/Mathematically eliminated


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You are fooling yourself about the time that Bledsoe typically gets.  I think that the key word in your paragraph is "sports bar."  Perhaps, you and your friends have had a few too many beverages before you started counting.


I have spent a lot of time going over sacks on TIVO to determine how much time Bledsoe typically gets between the snap of the ball and the time the play blows up.  In fact, I posted my analysis of after the Raiders game of each sack.


You would be surprised how many times he gets two seconds or less.  And by the way, the goal is four seconds, not three.  Some time ago, I re-posted one of the articles from training camp in which MM emphasized what was expected of the line.  You can google it and find it if you do not believe me.  Four seconds has always been the goal.



I was about to respond - wow you have really done a 180 on Bledsoe! Then I realized that you are Peter not Pete. Ok - that makes more sense.

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ICE-you are realistically dead.  It's just a matter of time.  Except in your case no one knows when the end will come, unlike a football season.




To Quote Marv Levy...."from the moment you are born you are dying..."

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