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New theory about our O-Line. They let the rushers

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They know that Drew is the problem and TD wont bench Drew so they are taking matters into there own hands and hoping Drew gets knocked out of the game so an effective QB can take over.


I prefer this answer over the answer that the O-Line just plain sucks. Maybe the saying that the simplest answer to understand is the truth. At this point, this answer seems more plausible that they suck real bad.

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I don't know why people can't just accept the fact that our oline is putrid. I've usually stayed away from this, because I'm a big Drew Bledsoe fan, always have been and always will be, but yes I can admit his days are numbered. Infact they're probably over, however our oline is just bad. It can't run block, it can't pass protect, well let me restate that. It can pass protect it just can't pick up a blitz. They're horrible at this. From Mike williams foot speed to contain speed rushers to the interior of our line getting pushed back into the non existint pocket. This is part of the reason bledsoe can't step up to make throws. Theres no pocket to do so. And as bad as this line is at pass blocking it's even worse at run blocking. I'm willing to call a spade a spade, that a change at quaterback is indeed needed but it's about hightime some people admit we need to improve the level of football smarts/talent along the offensive line. I know some of you recongnize it's both, but this season for better or worse is pretty much over. It's time to tell donahoe to draft need, CJ BROOKS FROM MARYLAND IN THE 2ND RD. It would be a hell of a start to improving the disaster that's suppouse to protect our qb and rb's

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