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We didn't adjust and I put on the coaches


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1. To me this game looked like a college game, I thought this might happen with two young teams and was worried about this one before. The emotion that fish played with, won them the game in the 4th quarter. They were not in position to win before the turnovers killed us. I kept expecting the Bills from 08 (you know the 4th quarter ones) to show up but I kept seeing the Bills from the past out there (you know the "I find a way to lose" ones). They lost the poise and made stupid playcalls and fuxked up the execution on those plays. Both of our lines and the secondary lost the game today, we really need answers to these problems.

The important thing with young teams is to get them to stay/play cool and execute, the fins did and we couldn't. I think we lacked emotion, number one (is it Dick's lacking, that does this to us?). That may be fine if things are working out, but the bills needed to get charged and smack back, not lie down and be ready to lose. The players do have to step up but, I really don't understand the coaching today. It was what lost the game in all three phases.


2. Defense first: I think when you have an obviously hurt player getting it shoved down his throat a bunch of times you have to find an answer. Last year, we would have used a rookie because we had no choice, yes we did get some burn that way, but a lot of guys stepped up too. We give Schobel time to heal and speed McGee back in, what was the point? We have backups! if they think McKelvin is going to get burned try Corner! Playing Donte out of position really didn't help this week, I think Miami saw some weaknesses in our scheme last week. Scott is big and tackles pretty well but his coverage? I noted that Ko ended up back in the line up by the end of the game cause Scott/Mckelvin didn't cover or find good angles all day long. Donte had a pretty weak game too, He really didn't look too good in coverage either.

I also think the D-line looked pretty f-ing good against the run but I can't imagine why they were not prepared for some wrinkles to the wildcat, it didn't work last week because it was vanilla. So they changed it up (why was that a suprise?)! god! I wish our coaches could learn from that. It hurt us and it shouldn't of. Ellision did play pretty well most of the time, I also thought Copeland had a decent game (backups).

I also hate the soft zone when you play Pennington? I just doesn't make any sense, this year Miami has one of the best YPC averages, Pennington has a quick release is smart and hits his targets fairly well (god, why didn't we pick him up? he fits our O scheme pretty well. He is no longer injured and he was a good QB before all of his injuries, he is much better than Losman as he actually thinks before he launches it). Why play off the receivers, put our best player (Greer in non zone coverage)on Ginn like a blanket and make them throw elsewhere.....Penninton is the picture you see in the dictionary when you look up dunk and dink, how do you justify playing off on them?

What it comes down to for me, I don't understand why when something so obviously wasn't working we could not try to adjust to it with a personal change instead of a scheme change.

Another note; What did Miami do to make Stroud a non-factor? He was invisiable most of the day. I only saw a couple of plays he was doubled on, their guy played lights out on him (esply in the pass rush). Line play was bad in the pass game but the secondary killed us, we didn't adjust and I put on the coaches.


3. The offense: Number one, it was just a poorly coached game. Where is the screen pass? We did it once and I think it shocked Marshwan so much that it was going so well, that he blew it, why oh, why oh why don't we do it again????? The fins D-line is just t-ing off and we have no way to slow it down????? I hated some of the playcalls, Turk, don't out think yourself. You have been pretty good this year but you seem to be keeping things too fundamental at some points and trying to hard at others. Way too many of the desicions today just were bad.

When Reed went out and ok, Hardy was obviously not working, let us put a limit on how many times we try to build his confidence and try putting Freddy or Steve Johnson out there in his spot. James H. is not as good as Reed (just not ready). Make Miami adjust to Reeds absence, not US adjust to it. Throw a wrinkle in to the game and adjust through personal AND scheme. Throwing to a doubled up Lee is not going to work, did we learn nothing last year?

Trent's bad day: well, it is going to happen (he's young and still learning but the coaches have to help him out, throwing 3 passes out of the EZ, IMO is not helping). Miami obviously also saw weaknesses in how our guys catch the ball. I think we rarely come back for passes and mostly catch in stride, so they covered tight (and well). So we need to change up what doesn't work (hooks and more playaction, other types of plays? we tried the wildcat a few weeks ago why not do it to them?).

My point is we need to do things to lossen the coverage up and.......... UMMMMM well, running was working and as I mentioned you can screen. Royal is obviously not a good answer. We have a big FB now, where is this guy and why can't we put him in there more? The running game was the answer today and the Bills didn't seem to know it. Basic tenet of football, RUN TO SET UP THE PASS again, we didn't adjust and I put on the coaches.


4. Bobby April where is our STs? McKelvin is not cutting it and honestly blocking is pretty bad on returns this year. I thought it would take some time to gel as a unit but this is getting bad, we need these guys to step up, please light a fire under their butts, like yesterday! Coverage is ok but we are supposed to have threats and we don't, I honestly don't understand. We are completely mediorce at one of our old strengths (is it the personal Ihdk?), again we didn't adjust and I put on the coaches.......


5. Dick got extended and I think that is a good idea but today was a big disappointment, Dick you are responsible for your coaches and players. A poorly prepared team is not going to win. Miami is pretty good at this point, but that is no excuse, we were out played, had little luck and were out coached, one question for me is how did it happen? we did not let it get out of reach and it shouldn't have. After the game players say we were unprepared? How can it be? We need better or no one will be happy the next three years. You sir need to step up, I know you can do it and have faith in your personal, let's get it done. If you need to mirco manage a bit more please, do it, if you need to gamble please do it, at the right times. When some one is hurt or they are stinking the joint up, personal changes would work better than scheme changes, last year is the proof. A-Train is the proof, please learn from this loss. I have faith in you and obviously so does the FO so please prove your worth in our faith. "again, we didn't adjust and I put on the coaches."


6. 5-2 is still pretty good but being old, I hate to see the fuxkin fins beat us!!! GOD, Dick, I hope you hated it as much as I did. I know Ralph did. I think 11 wins will win the division BUT teams are going to look at film and see weaknesses, we need to adjust. We need to beat teams like this one. We need to win on the road or we aren't going to win in the playoffs.

In short we need our coaches to excel. Today that was not the case. I would hope it would improve.

Thats all :sick: I still think we can get better! I Billieve, GO BILLS!!!!!!

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