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I would like to hear from Donahoe


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What does Donahoe have to say about this team? After all, he is the GM or he's trying to act like one.

What's the problem Donahoe?



As usual Frez you have your Italian Sausage stuck someplace where it doesn't belong.


T D has done nothing that we all here on this board have not agreed with at the time he did it. You love to second guess to show people how clever you are but the fact is over all T D has done a very good job. This team will get better and if it doesn't then T D will make trades to try to make them better. The guy has busted his butt to make this team a competitive team. His moves have all been with that thought in mind. He has not been afraid to spend money and has always had a plan in place. He has never on purpose let this team down or it's fans as you have eluded too over the course of the last few years. Your problem with T D seems to be personal at this point and for the life of me I do not know why.

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I think we all got caught in the hype of some of these free agent signings. Most teams sign over the hill players as solid depth, and for 3rd down players. We get Vincent as out starting CB, instead of a nickelback. We trade for Bledsoe, who at the time was a great decision, but it should have been a 1-2 yr stop gap until a young QB was ready. We never drafted that QB till 2004.


I think the one thing that TD must be held accountable for is his poor drafting. Let's leave the Mike Williams situation alone, since everyone thought this guy was going to be a stud. But the total disregard for the Offensive Line has shown that TD does not fully understand the NFL in 2004. Every good team has an OL that can pass block, run block, and pick up a blitz.

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I can't friggin believe the Giants are 4-1. Hopefully Mularkey will turn out to be a good coach in the long run but I would love to see what these Bills would have done so far if Coughlin was the coach.


Donahoe sucks.

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I dont want to hear from TD or anyone. Ralph Wilson made some comments questioning Mularkeys 'Smash Mouth offense' and some other stuff,but I dont want to hear excuses from anyone. It is time for Ralph to do something about this...NOW! Talking will not get you wins.

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