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"Voice of Reason" silenced

Joey Balls

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Apparently someone hasn't read this:



No kidding. But when's the last time anyone was banned for a personal crusade?


And yes, I'm talking about me specifically (hell, HA's not on a crusade, he's just a moron). I figure I'm fine as long as Darin's not personally upset with me.

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Well, I'm doing my part. It's just that it seems to find its way into every thread these days. It's far past bordering on ridiculous.

I agree it's gotten out of hand. What gets under my skin is that some people make jokes about regression toward the mean despite the fact that a) those jokes have been told dozens of times before, b) schools such as Stanford, Berkeley, and the University of Chicago have indicated that those who obtain extreme scores on imperfect tests tend to score closer to the population's mean upon being retested.


The utter stupidity of those regression toward the mean jokes gets under my skin maybe a little more than it should.

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