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I wish...

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I wish................


that I could just be a low stress care-free fan.


Being a Bills fan should come with a 6 month supply of valium or whatever your poison is.


Every week you get hopeful, you read all the articles, you post some thoughts on TBD, you talk to your other Bills friends and you have very guarded optimism about the upcoming game.






The Bills take the position as the weekly urinal that the NFL's bottom feeders take a dump in.

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I wish................


that I could just be a low stress care-free fan.


Being a Bills fan should come with a 6 month supply of valium or whatever your poison is.


Every week you get hopeful, you read all the articles, you post some thoughts on TBD, you talk to your other Bills friends and you have very guarded optimism about the upcoming game.






The Bills take the position as the weekly urinal that the NFL's bottom feeders take a dump in.



On the bright side, at least we care enough to get upset, I think a life where one couldn't get passionate about anything would be very dull and boring.

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