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Good stuff and bad stuff from the game

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My personal take from the game:


On the plus side:


With Smith starting in the line it now looks as if the O could be solid.

Drew looked sharp, a good mix of passes.

Lindell was booming KOs and FGs have been good so far in pre-season.

Our own KOs look good, Fletcher appears to be allowing the returners the space to make good run backs with excellent blocking. Different from last year's pre-season where Brown relied on speed only - more optimistic this could continue in to the season proper.

McGahee appears to be excellent at the goal line, getting another TD. Should try him out in goal line situations against first team D's in the remaining pre-season games.

A couple of turnovers for the 'D'.


On the minus side:

D not looking as good as last year, but hopefully with a little more time to jell in the backfield Vincent will improve.

Stupid penalties. Aaargh. Hope they are just getting them out of their system before the season proper begins but with the team's track record I am not that hopeful.

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