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Is this football?

Indy Dave

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At least think your conspiracy theories out a bit better.  How does the NFL become more profitable by helping a team that's won 3 of the past 5 Super Bowls?  Competition and parity keep fans interested, not dynasties.

The team people are sick of seeing and want to see lose? It's like "Private Parts" where they say that the average Stern fan listens to him for 2 hours whereas the average Stern hater listens to him for 3 hours.


And I don't think the Pats get as many calls as they used to, but that first Bills game was ridiculous.

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Lets be honest - they get calls against every team not named Denver.

Predictable pissed of dominating performance though, at least for me. Pretty ridiculous that people still want to count them out every time they lose a game. It doesn't matter who their WR's are as long as they have the QB/coach. Marvin Lewis has the guts of whatever the opposite of a burglar is.

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Other arguments aside, the hit in question WAS a penalty. Was it intentional? No. But the NFL has really tried to make the game "safer" in the past five years -- and enforcing the rules on hits, even unintentional ones, such as this is part of that plan.


I hate the Pats, but had that been Roscoe or Lee getting hit in the mouth like that, we all would have been up in arms as well.


As for the Pats getting more calls than other teams, I think there is something to that. But I don't buy into it being a "conspiracy". I think it comes down to human nature. Good players get the benifit of the doubt over lesser known players more often than not. This is true in virtually all sports (see: Jordan's career in Chicago with his "push offs"). And face it, the Pats have some great players on that team.


Is there a conspiracy in the NFL to have the refs "help" the Pats? No. That's absurd. But 12-1 in penalties in the Week One game is a bit alarming. Truth be told, you can call a penalty on every play if you wish. And Refs make good calls and bad calls vs every team. Still, when one team gets called 11 times MORE than another team, something is wrong with the refs.

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