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Objective opinion on the Jests game...


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OK, after reviewing the DVR tape, here's what I saw (generalizations)...


- An offense that moved the ball at will in the 1st half but couldn't finish the drives with points, and that gained nearly 500 total yards but made a couple of big mistakes

- A play here and a play there (fake FG, bootleg, blitz pickup, or lack thereof, by Willis) that had big impacts on the final score.

- About 6 sub-par plays by JP in terms of accuracy; 3 of these were on the last drive in the rain.

- A very good game plan by the Jests to get the ball out quickly to defuse our pass rush.

- A defense that played, in general, very well, other than 2 big plays and a couple of stupid penalties.


My verdict?


This was a game the Bills should have put away in the first half. As it was, we shot ourselves in the foot a few too many times. I'm willing to give the coaching staff the benefit of the doubt. As I saw it, the "questionable" fake FG was a sure first down if it were properly executed; the bootleg fooled 10 Jets, but not the 11th, who made a good play; JP played pretty well, with the exception of one bad decision on the first fumble and a very bad pass on the interception.


Looking forward to more improvement vs. the Vikings.


Go Bills!

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