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Talk About Deja Vu!!!!

Buffalo Baumer

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I was reading Tuesday Morning QB on ESPN.com and and could not believe what I saw - this same exact scenario and article was written last year when Mularkey was here in Buffalo making the bone headed decisions - (here is part of the article)


In other football news, fortune favors the bold! Trailing Buffalo 13-0 in their home opener, the Dolphins faced a fourth-and-1 on their own 40 at the end of the third quarter. As the punt unit trotted onto the field, TMQ thought, "This has got to be a fake. No self-respecting high school team would punt in this situation." I was sure the up-back would creep toward the line as if counting defenders, then put his hands under center, take the snap and plunge straight ahead. Skies darkened and lightning flashed above my house as the football gods showed their displeasure when the Miami punter swung his leg. As punishment for this ultra-fraidy-cat call, the football gods caused the punt to be blocked; Miami went on to lose 16-6. Down by two touchdowns at home, one yard to go on your own 40 -- you can't seriously be punting! Which leads to the question of whether football teams should ever punt -- a question that will be the subject of an upcoming column.




You gotta love Mularkey :pirate:

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