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Patriots this season

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The Patriots are a team who had to take on Junior Seau at this stage in his career, with his free lancing ways which occasionaly result in a spectacular play, but usually for the other side through the hole he vacated. Rodney Harrison is much slower, Teddy Brusci didn't have a training camp after looking slow when he came back last year, and Mr. All World has no competent wide receiver to throw to. The "We'll let somebody else pay you after your contract is up, no matter how good you are (Vinitari, Givins, Law) is going to bite the Pats big time this year. Didn't you read the rant that McGinist laid on the Pats last month.


Gregg Easterbrook in his Tuesday Morning Quarterback (no back on ESPN page 2) even compared the Pats to Wal-Mart, winning with cut rate help.

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