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Clements Will be tagged by the Bills!!!!

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MAYBE! :lol:  He could once again have as bad of a season like he had this year even if the defense has improved. :lol:



4 very good season and 1 year removed from an awesome season. I just cannot fathom why people want to cut bait with NC based upon last season. It was very obvious we had a major team problem.


If were not willing to take the gamble I guarentee much of the rest of the NFL would.


I give Marv credit for putting this on the table ASAP and leaving no doubts.

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4 very good season and 1 year removed from an awesome season. I just cannot fathom why people want to cut bait with NC based upon last season.




When you figure it out let me know the answer :lol:



I'm also glad we tagged Nate. I dont think his year was as bad as people made it out to be. Who exactaly people thought they'd get that is better then clements I dont know, Imo there is maybe 2-3 guys who are better (Law, healthy Shawn Springs, and Mcallister) Corners generally dont come into their own until 28 or so, and last I checked it's also not one of the easiest positions. 20 ints in 5 years though? I'll take it. his 4 int a year average is better then a lot of suppoused top corners. he's caused 16 turnovers in the last 2 years. 8 picks and 8 forced fumbles, while becoming one of the surer tacklers in the nfl. The defenses problems is far from their secondary. It all starts up front where we really lack talent.

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