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(OT) Funny. Personal Story To Share


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Just thought I'd pass this personal story along. Several of my fellow CNJBBB members have told me recently that seeing my kids dressed in Bills clothes and attending games at Bills Central (in NJ) and the Ralph proves that I'm bringing them up right.


Last night the school where my kids attend had "open house" to meet the teachers and see the classrooms. This is something they do every year and is good to see their environment and meet the people whom we trust with their education.


Well here my wife and I are in the 3rd grade class listening to my son's (age 8) teacher address the parents who were in there. It came to a time where we had to fill out some information so of course I let my wife do that. As my eyes roamed around the classroom and admiring all the work the kids had hanging up my attention goes to one wall where all the kids have their names written and colored along with a story they wrote attached. All the names were cool, but one was different. You got it, my sons was different. Next to his name was a big # "11". I immediately put a smile on my face and tapped my wife on the shoulder to show her. We both walk over to get a better look and laugh some more. Along with his name and the #11 to the right, he had written above his name "In God We trust" and below his name "In Drew We Trust".


Is that just the funniest thing. He sure made his Daddy proud! And I guess that is proof that he is being raised the right way.


Now if Drew can only make this little boy happy on Sundays.




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Just thought I'd pass this personal story along.  Several of my fellow CNJBBB members have told me recently that seeing my kids dressed in Bills clothes and attending games at Bills Central (in NJ) and the Ralph proves that I'm bringing them up right.


Last night the school where my kids attend had "open house" to meet the teachers and see the classrooms.  This is something they do every year and is good to see their environment and meet the people whom we trust with their education.


Well here my wife and I are in the 3rd grade class listening to my son's (age 8) teacher address the parents who were in there.  It came to a time where we had to fill out some information so of course I let my wife do that.  As my eyes roamed around the classroom and admiring all the work the kids had hanging up my attention goes to one wall where all the kids have their names written and colored along with a story they wrote attached.  All the names were cool, but one was different.  You got it, my sons was different.  Next to his name was a big # "11".  I immediately put a smile on my face and tapped my wife on the shoulder to show her. We both walk over to get a better look and laugh some more.  Along with his name and the #11 to the right, he had written above his name "In God We trust" and below his name "In Drew We Trust".


Is that just the funniest thing.  He sure made his Daddy proud!  And I guess that is proof that he is being raised the right way.


Now if Drew can only make this little boy happy on Sundays.






Cute story and smart kid. :blink:

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I hope it's not a public school.  I am sure someone will want to sue your son.  :blink:


I take it he is not a Drew basher, which seems to be the sport around here lately.




Parochial School...

And I've been trashing Drew since last year, but he's only 8 and still sports his Bledsoe jersey on Sunday.... I guess he still has faith in Drew....

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Parochial School...

And I've been trashing Drew since last year, but he's only 8 and still sports his Bledsoe jersey on Sunday....  I guess he still has faith in Drew....


Good man. Where are you at in Jersey? My wife as some family at a Catholic School in Edison?

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Good man.  Where are you at in Jersey?  My wife as some family at a Catholic School in Edison?




I live in Central NJ about 35 miles south of Edison. I work in the town next to Edison....

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