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Jauron may suck but Sherman a likely disaster here

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I know folks are disappointed at the hiring of Jauron and given his total career losing record these fears seem legit to me.


However, the thing which surprises me is the seeming wholesale embrace by many of the fantasy thought that Sherman would have been a great hire. Folks who think Sherman should have been chosen have a lot more faith in Marv making it work with this GM in waiting than I do.


Folks who think Sherman would have produced a good result for the Bills have a lot more faith than I do than adding his talents to too many folks with authority over GM duties would have worked.


This does not seem likely at all to me when one looks at the facts of what we have to work with here.


1. Like it or not folks, the Bills are in the era of the Golden Boys with Ralph deciding that before he leaves this planet he is going to take a more active role on this team. Its his money and this is a fact on the ground, B word mindlessly about the owner all we want, this is a given which must be taken into account as a baseline for choosing the next HC.


2. Ralph went with turning over the off-field stuff which was positively stone age (I will always remember and harken back to the tickets at the will/call window being sorted into shoeboxes from from folks closets at home in the 90s rather than being computerized) to TD and he did a good job with this stuff, but simply operated out of fear of getting Cowhered again and billoxed the on-field side. His primary motivation in on-field organization now has been to get fellow Golden Boy Levy.


It is very highly questionable that he will replicate his success of the early 90s and a decade+ has happened so if he simply attempts to replicate this he will likely fail. His lack of previous GM experience with GM duties being a big part of his work is a big issue for us. However, this is simply a fact which will exist.


3. While it makes rational sense to look for an HC that might supplement the questions about Levy if he sucks at GM, it seems like a recipe for disaster to have Sherman play this role.


A. Sherman had the GM/role and the HC role at GB. Do we really think that he is easily going to operate playing merely the HC role here with Marv having control of the GM duties and Sherman needing Marv;s OK and permission for whatever he wants to do.


B. Marv has never done the GM thing before so it makes perfect sense to have Sherman who had done it before supplement Marv. However, in order for this to work in the real world one must have a bunch of faith in Marv that he is going to take Sherman's "advice" well.


I do not have that confidence. It could work but if you believe it will you have more faith in he 9d year old no GM experience Marv than I do.


4. The situation is made even more complicated because in addition to Ralph meddling, and Marv learning, Modrak is still around operating to some degree from his home in FLA as asst. GM. Add Sherman to the mix and I simply think this is a recipe for disaster.


Folks who are cheesed because Sherman ain't here have a lot more faith in Marv making this complex brew work than I do.


Why are folks who advocate Sherman being the one so sure that Marv would make it work given that apparently Marv would prefer Jauron.


Folks can advocate that they do not believe in Marv, but so what. No rational person advocates this Golden Boy being able to produce the Ws, but this is simply reality and whining about this was done two weeks ago when Marv was hired and can be a repeated theme. However, the question of whom to hire as HC is one I think best considered in terms of the best chance for a choice working within the limitations of reality.


Adding Sherman to a mix which already has too many cooks (meddling Ralph, inexperienced Marv, kibbitzing Modrak would simply have been a likely disaster. Jauron by far is a much better choice that Sherman given the realities.

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