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The Quotable Dick Jauron from 2002


2002 was not kind to Dick Jauron. The "unflappable", "stoic" Jauron received harsh criticism from fans, the media, and even TV commentators during Bears games. The coach deflected heavy, even personal, criticisms from fans on his weekly radio show. By the end of the season, host Hub Arkush had to resort to warning callers, then hanging up on them after they leveled devastating verbal lashings at the embattled Bears skipper. I give Jauron credit for hanging in there despite the haranguing, although it comes with the territory, and I feel much of it was deserved.


Jauron is a conservative coach that is undeniably loyal; his loyalty is evident in his defense of offensive coordinator John Shoop, despite the continued incompetence of his offense. When asked by a caller if he thought Shoop was really the answer, Jauron replied that Shoop was "unquestionably" the right man for the job, based in part on the Bears' 2001 record of 13-3.


Some more funny comments from Jauron in 2002:


Replying to questions on "his" radio show, Bears Insider with Dick Jauron: "It's not my show, but I'm on that show."


On Leon Johnson, after the RB allowed a kickoff to bounce off his facemask with the Bears protecting a 20-7 lead: "We like Leon, we're confident in Leon."


On the question of getting Henry Burris playing time after injuries to Jim Miller and Chris Chandler: "I like Henry. I like Chris. I like Henry, but we need to protect the integrity of the game, so we don't want to start Henry."


On criticism from John Madden of the Bears' playcalling during a MNF loss to St. Louis: "I like John. I like John Madden. But John isn't on our football team."


When asked what he can do to motivate this losing team to continue playing hard despite their record: "I told the team, don't worry about winning the game."

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