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I have no reception of Buffalo airwaves


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Ugh...I feel your pain man. I'm in CA and I'm glued to the boards waiting for something good to come out of all of this.


Not that this is done by any means, but if Jauron does indeed have the "inside track" and gets the job, how much different it this situation than TD hiring one of his Pittsburgh cronies??


I mean, Marv is tight with DJ from the Chicago days, he's intelligent, a good guy, blah, blah, blah....


But, I want the BEST for the job. I'm not convinced he is it just becasue of their previous ties.


I'm starting to feel sick again......

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I have no reception of Buffalo airwaves


I just bought the coolest thing ever. A Slingbox. It lets you watch TV from anywhere.

I had my brother hook it up in Buffalo and now I can watch Buffalo TV from Australia on my computer.


Check it out.




The biggest thing is you have to have someone hook up it from where you want to watch TV from.

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